SCROG grow. What kind of net?


Active Member
is this Poultry Wire good enough for a SCROG grow?

would the holes need to be cut more?

see link below:
I AM CURRENTLY DOING SCROG grow right now , this is also my first scrog so im no expert but i used a 2inch by 2inch kennel fencing, its very rigid and easy to work with,everything i read up on said to use a more RIGID netting or fencing. Its alot easier to weave ur plants around, now i know that if i went with a flexible screen it would of been a real pain in the butt, also dont make the same mistake i made by letting ur growth get to far above screen(fencing) before flowering. Its alot easier to control when flowered earlier. xXNinjaXx was a big help with me and for warned me of growth gettin to high.


Well-Known Member

Can I ask how tall you plan on growing your plants?

The thing is, I've had tons of experience with SCROG setups. I used to think that they were the bees' knees. But then I discovered how to supercrop. By properly supercropping the plant through its veg cycle, you can level out the canopy of the plant, thusly achieving the exact same thing that a SCROG does. And the big advantage to this is you will be able to move the plant around freely without it being conjoined with the trellis. This is a HUGE advantage on many levels, especially if in hydro. Also, it will save you tons of time in maintenance.

However, if you are still dead set on building a SCROG, then yes. I believe that is the exact netting that I purchased to make my trellis. I even got mine from Home Depot, too. Except mine wasn't green...



Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies guys.

I have one which is 14 days into flowering. I haven't setup the screen yet but was going to do so (today). any ideas on that?

i also have another white widow going and i was going to setup the screen a month into vegging. Once the plant has heightened to 8 - 10 inches and i seperate the branches into their respective holes, i will begin flowering.


Well-Known Member
You should begin training before flower man, not two weeks into flower. If you have the space I would just leave the plants they way they are. Weaving them through a screen at this stage of flowering could cause hermies.


Well-Known Member
From you stressing them, plants can and will go hermie if stressed enough it isn't a theory. It just depends on the strain, some can take more stress than others


Well-Known Member
That's one big problem with SCROG as well. You can't just weave the branches through the trellis at the beginning of flower, then sit back and watch it work. The branches will not grow very uniform, defeating the purpose of the screen. It's a continual process; you have to weave the branches for as long as you can into flower. And yes, it will stress them.

This is my very first attempt at a SCROG several years back. I only weaved the branches for the first two weeks....

Like I was saying, just learn how to use supercropping as a method of training early on, and you can bypass the screen all together.
