The BubbleHead Gang


New Member
I think it's taking awhile to get those full nutes to the top How long have they been on the full dose? Yellow and up is usually a nute problem with a little extra heat. ON the nutes, are you using the flora series. They need a little grow, a dose of micro and some Bloom in a 1-2-3 ratio. The micro is loaded with N also. Do the hand test with the 400 to make sure it is not too close.


Chat room operator..ONLY!
Roseman if you could add me to the list that would be great. I am also a channel OP in the IRC chat and I love to help out with bubbleponic questions. I also got a YouTube channell that might be of some assistance to some new bubbleponic growers! Feel free to knock on my door at anytime I am almost always available in one way or another! My emails get forwarded to my cell so most questions should be answered promptly! Here is a link to my YouTube channell.


Elite Rolling Society
Roseman if you could add me to the list that would be great. I am also a channel OP in the IRC chat and I love to help out with bubbleponic questions. I also got a YouTube channell that might be of some assistance to some new bubbleponic growers! Feel free to knock on my door at anytime I am almost always available in one way or another! My emails get forwarded to my cell so most questions should be answered promptly! Here is a link to my YouTube channell.
We are very proud to warmly welcome you into the BubbleHeads.

I am anxious to look at your grow and youtube too, and will get back to you later.


They were getting yellow before i put them to flower. The light is and will be 18-20in away. the cfl's were 3-4. Yeah its the flora and i was not using the bloom at first didn't think i was supposed to and is why i thought the crispy and lightly browning of some lower fan leaves was lacking phosphorus. Been using a print out of flora nute sheet that shows different phases of growth and how much to use. I use less than it says. Also just started full nutes sunday when they went to flower and they sere yellowing before that.
I have heard two sides to whether you add more nutes when the water level goes down. some say just add water some add nutes. last week i added a small portion of nutes to the new water then they yellowed after. was not using very much nute at all before that.
Its weird each plant has signs of a different problem. One, fan leaves curled up around edges meaning not enough nute. one getting crispy with some browning, one drooping cuz not enough oxygen and the two best stains yellowing tips. Also one that had some yellowing also had some of the new smaller growth getting burned shriveled and deformed. That was after adding some nutes to the new water to top off the tank and i'm guessing it was not liking it maybe to much but like i said wasn't really using much to begin with.


As I approach the end of my grow (approx 3 weeks left), I've gotten interested in acquiring some items to ease my harvest and such (this has been my 1st successful grow!). One of the things I wanted to do was see the change in color on my trichs. I found a pocket microscope @ RadioShack for $12.99!!! Takes 2 AAA batteries, has focus and 60x-100x zoom. A worth while investment to see when they're done (mine are mainly clear and getting cloudy). Just a thought if anyone's looking to see their girls up close.


New Member

That's the exact one I have. You will have to cut about a 1/2" piece of leaf, put on on some white paper (that's what junk mail is for) and learn to adjust it. The adjustment wheel closest to the bottom when you look is the focus. I try to focus before I touch the magnification (top wheel). Practice on some tree leaves. Won't see any trich! LOL! But you will see leaf structure and get an idea of how to use that little gadget!


New Member

So at this point you should be on transitional nutes. That's 10ml grow, 10 ml micro and 10 ml bloom per gallon. What I do at this stage is give them a total of 50ml grow, 50 ml micro, and 50 ml of grow. On the GH flora series you use all three to get a balance result and just lean heavy on N for grow and P and K for full flower. When you fill the tank as the plants suck up the water (expect around a gallon a day in full Flower) mix them up at least a medium batch of nutes Maybe something like 7 ml of each type, ph adjusted in a seperate jug ( I use a washed up gallon water jug from the RO I used to buy). Got to follow the bottle directions on a first grow. Experimentation is for later.

Before you do that I would want to know how big your plants are right now. You leaf problems are related to the lack of available nutes What the plants don't get in the water they rob from the leaf and you get all kinds of strange forms and colors. LOL!


New Member

Nice set up. I checked out a view of the videos ( even the one with your problem with the seeds) and it's a very nice and potentially usefull site to help the group. I have no idea how to use your talents but I'll catch on at some point. Feel free to PM me if you have any ideas.

Those LSD's are a little hard to clone but I found that patience is the key with that strain. They are one of those strains that start out slow and then catch up in a big hurry! Wait till them suckers hit the water and start hogging the nutes! LOL!


New Member
PS, You gonna get fem seeds this time? LOL1

Stumps, I think mine came with an eye patch but I like to talk like a pirate sometimes so it works for me! Aarrgh!


thanks MC. They are 9 to 10 inches. lights are off now but at last count a week ago there was like 9 section of branches so probably 11 or 12 now (don't know what to call it). They are short and bushy. i was waiting on the lights or would have gone into flower a week earlier. I have been a little cautious to go with the transition amount of nutes because i have been using much less and want to work my way up to where it should be. they grew like crazy in 2 weeks when i swithed to flora. That maybe the problem that they were not getting enough nute and makes it look like they got to much.? This is my first grow and made nute mistakes in the beginning so they are really a week behind.


New Member
That makes sense. If you want to sneak up the nutes for fear of burn I would say you still want to maintain the ratio of 2-2-2 like the nute bottle says. How about 5ml of each for a half charge and then the other half about 3-4 days later after you see what the balanced nute levels do for it? They are big enough for full nutes.


Another thing. I started with 2 wonder woman plants and then added 2 bag seed plants almost 2 weeks later. Growing in the same system. yes i will keep an eye on those 2 during flower to make sure of no males. I know i really messed up in the beggining because those 2 are the almost the exact same size and stage as the wonder woman. I also left the other wonder woman in veg for clones.

Question is Do the roots growing together and wrapping themselves up with the other plants cause any problems if one of the mystery strains are male? The wonder woman is feminized. can they become the same? or drain the other somehow? Just a crazy question but you never know.


I am using aan 18 gallon tub for 4 plants in flower. I decided not to use a pump and run hoses to each basket cuz i figure the spray of bubbles and roots being in the water there is no need. should be fine right?


i will try to get some px up in the next week. Its a good thing i went with hydro cuz my job has me working out of town now for a while. The girlfriend is up to date on everything and will be around to keep an eye on em at least. I say that cuz i cant take pix right now and have to leave tomorrow.


What are the chances i'm taking with the mystery strains going hermy if first signs are fem? Also Can they mess up a feminized strain The wonder woman does not really have a dad. Lots of hybreeding with WW. Top 44, ice and a bunch of others i have read. Early budding, big buds, and more bud is the reason i picked her.