attitudes response to fake dj short seeds


Well-Known Member
i emailed the attitude on the subject of the rumor of planseur supplying atttitude with fake dj short seeds.they resonded to me saying they are sorry and replacing them with authentic seeds as soon as they get them. they said thier going through thier data base and replacing evry pak they sold with his stuff as soon as they get it. they stated they talked to him and denied knowing this guy or ever sellin him any stok and now will be stocking attitude with authentic seeds. i bot 2 pax, a grape krush and bluemoonshine ,thats 274.00.and stated if i want to buy somethin else i can. so i have a store credit. attitude rox ass because they took responsibility of the situation.raider.:joint:


Well-Known Member


"they resonded to me saying they are sorry and replacing them with authentic seeds as soon as they get them. they said thier going through thier data base and replacing evry pak they sold with his stuff as soon as they get it."





Well-Known Member


"they resonded to me saying they are sorry and replacing them with authentic seeds as soon as they get them. they said thier going through thier data base and replacing evry pak they sold with his stuff as soon as they get it."



Yes that is good news for all effected, including DJ himself.

Peace, HHF


Well-Known Member

"they said thier going through thier data base"

This would be terrifying if it came from a North American breeder.




Well-Known Member
Yes that is good news for all effected, including DJ himself.

Peace, HHF
thanx HHF , for bringing it to our attention,good brother.... say hobbes did yu gro yures? wat did yu get.. mine are germing in soilboth those pax and another pak of qerkle.i would jus replace per responsed email because of the touchiness of the issue in some countries, but they know wat they need to do to clear the air.i wonder if dj actually is doin bm.all the authentic supplier dont carry it,, guess i would get 2 grape krush pax if no bluemoonshine.


Well-Known Member
im wondering exactly what im growing now?
im continue with my grow and see what the bud looks like
i have found 2 really nice female phenos and one nice male pheno......but what the hell am i growing/?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i have a bag seed that i've grown out that suits me fine it has a sweet grapefruit skunk smell to it ,as long as it turns you on baker grow it


Well-Known Member
im wondering exactly what im growing now?
im continue with my grow and see what the bud looks like
i have found 2 really nice female phenos and one nice male pheno......but what the hell am i growing/?
probably someone got dj shorts beans ,breeded them and sold them as dj short, simple.i'm sure yu got wat it says actually i bet..jus gonna get a sweet return on the deal.


Active Member
kiss-ass its nice to have a company on our side,i got the blueberry and knew sumthing was up because no mutants i here about.i got the email today stating they were fake so right on i will chill and wait on the blueberrybongsmilie


Well-Known Member
kiss-ass its nice to have a company on our side,i got the blueberry and knew sumthing was up because no mutants i here about.i got the email today stating they were fake so right on i will chill and wait on the blueberrybongsmilie
i jus finished dutch passions reg BB and even that had some mutationed buds,,but not near as mind bending as the bluemoonshine and easier to gro.


Well-Known Member
How was this brought to our attention about this Dj Short and attitude thing. How did we find out they were fake DJ beans??


Well-Known Member
How was this brought to our attention about this Dj Short and attitude thing. How did we find out they were fake DJ beans??
a statement by dj short in icmg forum and attitude contacted dj short and he confirmed it.


Well-Known Member
anyone finished growing their "fake" blueberry plants yet?
im about 2 weeks into flowering and i have 3 males with 2 looking similar and 1 very runt like and 4 females with one being the "queen" and the other 3 very nice
is this just some random seeds that im growing out?
i guess ill know more in about 4 weeks when they start forming buds
im going to wait for the real true blueberry.............this is just 8 weeks of work for nothing is all...........damn this pisses me off
im busting my balls cloning and making sure i have clones of every pheno.........


Well-Known Member
This is very interesting. Not sure who busted the actual fake seed branding thing but i think we should try an learn something from it for the next time. Raider, Did you actually start the fake seed topic or find the rumor? If you did or didn't any links to the topic? What caused the rumor to start? Packaging, end result product distributor info? What are you or they looking for in fakes?


Well-Known Member
i found it here at riu,one topic on dj short seeds on another forum at seed boutique where dj short goes alot,,then i went and did some more diggin,then i emailed them about it twice over the weekend, i dont know if anyone ever emailed them about it actually or not.then i got a email about being sorry about being caught up init after contacting dj short personally, and promised full restoration, so i'm happy gettin 2 jus broke ground,lol,i'll keep posted some of wat these are.