Just curious. Why....??


Well-Known Member
A lot of people do that to their clones. I'm not sure of the reason though. I'll hang out to find out.


Elite Rolling Society
Some people think it is logical that if you cut the arms and legs off, the body will get bigger somehow. Or what they are really doing is cutting off the stomach, colon and intestines and expecting the plant to gain weight.
Go figure.


really its because when u clone of course your going to stunt the growth at first, and the tips of the leaves tend to curl
brown or die so to help the plant with that problem go ahead an trim the bit that may do that so the plant doesnt have
to worry about that while its trying to establish a root system


Well-Known Member
Some people think it is logical that if you cut the arms and legs off, the body will get bigger somehow. Or what they are really doing is cutting off the stomach, colon and intestines and expecting the plant to gain weight.
Go figure.
Love your answer to the question:mrgreen::peace:

my neighbors cut off all their fans and then wonder why my plants are bigger, I prefer to leave their lungs, colons, and stomachs they always do so much better:eyesmoke:

Mr. Good

Active Member
Some people think it is logical that if you cut the arms and legs off, the body will get bigger somehow. Or what they are really doing is cutting off the stomach, colon and intestines and expecting the plant to gain weight.
Go figure.
I thought it was to prevent dampening off and or water loss...


Well-Known Member
One theory goes, that the plant loses most of its moisture through the end of the leaves, and when the plant has no roots it can't take up much water so you cut of the ends of the leaves to retain moisture. That is what I was told anyway. I have no idea if any/all of that is true.


Active Member
When you have a bunch of clones close together in a really humid environment, it helps to prevent mold on the leaves building up condensation between them. I still don't do it because I don't have that problem. At least that is what I read in a Grow book. Im sure there are many theory's going both ways. I'm lead to believe that you should let the water leaves stay until the bottom ones turn yellow and get over 50% dead because of the plant focusing on new growth of going through Fall on its way to bud. Then at 5-6 weeks I take another round of water leaves off that are shading the lower buds(I don't take many). Then clip the lower growth that doesn't stand a chance of growing a deceint bud. Then leave her alone for the next 3-5 weeks. I will give really yellow leaves a gentle tug to see if they want to come off late in flowering. What do ya pro's think about that theory.:eyesmoke:


Elite Rolling Society
There are all kinds of THEORIES and very little documented TESTS or Experiments.

Many growers really believe in lollipopping. I do not.


Active Member
There are all kinds of THEORIES and very little documented TESTS or Experiments.

Many growers really believe in lollipopping. I do not.
Is what I do called lollipopping? How about a link or an explanation of what you like to do regarding water leaves during life stages of plant. Please don't just tell me to look that shit up. I have terrible time with the search engine here. Leave them alone right. But what if there dying or shading buds ect. I try to bend when I can but sometimes the leave will just shade another bud. What do ya think?


Well-Known Member
Some people think it is logical that if you cut the arms and legs off, the body will get bigger somehow. Or what they are really doing is cutting off the stomach, colon and intestines and expecting the plant to gain weight.
Go figure.

That sounds like the most logical reason in this thread. Roseman it's people like you who inspire me. Just the right amount of sarcasm mixed with the experience to boot. Thank you :clap:


Elite Rolling Society
I have pics at home, of a crop my x-wife's husband lollipopped. (made to look like a lollipop by leaving a large clump of growth at the top and stripping the bottom naked)

They were at 5 weeks of Flowering and they NEVER got any bigger after he stripped them. They just stayed in SHOCK.


Well-Known Member
from my understanding sometimes leaves will start to die during clone, so you remove the yellow or brown areas so the plant dosent waste energy repairing the unhelthy parts...ive never cut the leaves in half though and lately they dont die or yellow. as far as lollipoping , at first i was leaving the plant intact for flower, but lately ive had great results removing the smaller branches that i can tell wont produce much bud. i dont go crazy, but i sorta clean them up right when i switch them to 12/12. i have no problems what-so-ever and i actually see alot of new growth in all the right places after doing this. also alows beter air-flow if you are in a tight space like myself.


Well-Known Member
if the tips die, it's better to cut them off. Dead plant matter can promote mold, and pests. I cut mine off at an angle if I have a dead tip.