Wonder's Medical Grow: Purple Widow, Wonder Woman, 1000W hps PICS!


Well-Known Member
ok, thanks integra. Whats a EC Pen? I have PH meters and light meters, but nothing to measure nutrients. I like the idea of starting low because, I know they will grow without any nutrients at all. Anything helps but I would like to utilize everything to its full potential


Well-Known Member
EC and TDS pens just use electrical current to measure total dissolved solids in the nutrient solution. Prety much just checking the strength of your nutrients.


Well-Known Member
EC and TDS pens just use electrical current to measure total dissolved solids in the nutrient solution. Prety much just checking the strength of your nutrients.
Thanks Integra. All advice and help is greatly appreciated. I have topped most of the plants, went a little cazy. The one I fimmed is looking real good. Can't wait to see what it looks like. I started tying some of them down to let the lower canopy get some of the good light. I think I may start flowering a few here pretty soon. Maybe one or two weeks. Keep adding in more every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
looks great bro,i see yure adding as yu go,thats wat i alays do,,cant wait to see how they turn out,subscribed.


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody,
I have been so busy lately between school and work. Sorry there has been no update. Here it is. Everybody is doing good. I think I need to trim at least 1 plant. The big bush type one in the pics to follow. To many leaves for any kind of light penetration. I think I may start flowering one or two plants under cfls, just to get the ball rolling here. I am very tired of working in the grow room and ready for everything to be a little less matinence. I want to start flowering under my 1000w HPS, but trying to be the most energy efficient as possible. Enough with the bullshit and on to the pics.



Well-Known Member
The big bushy plant is in a 3 Gallon Bucket (not pot). It is only about 7 inches tall but about 1.5 feet wide. The light is very close to the plants, I raised it for the pics.

DO I need to lift the light to get some vertical? It is 400W MH within about 18 inches of the plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Blackrose. You give some confidence in what Im doing. I did some good LST today Ill have pics when everything fills out a little. How big would the biggest get if I flowered now?


Well-Known Member
Hmm should you start to flower now, I think you could get them to triple up in size from where they're at now.
But since you're not using CO2 burners like me, they're going to grow slowly, so I would recommend another week vegging and then trigger flowering if you like.


Well-Known Member
Hmm should you start to flower now, I think you could get them to triple up in size from where they're at now.
But since you're not using CO2 burners like me, they're going to grow slowly, so I would recommend another week vegging and then trigger flowering if you like.
Thank you for your help Blackrose. I am interested in c02. My entire grow room is 9X10X7. Co2 would be awesome. So you arent using a tank with regulator? what is a burner? I was thinking about dry ice method but I don't have time for all this manual bullshit. I am way to busy to deal with anything more than I am already. I could turn the c02 on and off manually rather thango with a controller.


Well-Known Member
Just spent some time in the grow room, trimming and tying down. Everything looked so good, I had to make an update. A few gnats in there today. Used 70% Neem Oil in the water today. I also turned over the top 1/2 inch of soil. I have been using Einstein oil on the leaves every few days right when the light goes off for the night. I trimmed some of the lower foliage off a few. I did this about 4 days ago, and the ones I trimmed just grew so fast. Things are starting to take shape.

I also stood in the far corner of my room and snapped a few good pics of my operation. I don't have the doors on either the seedling/clone area or the veg area. That will come before I flower in the remainder of the room.
Here is the good stuff:



Well-Known Member
Thank you for your help Blackrose. I am interested in c02. My entire grow room is 9X10X7. Co2 would be awesome. So you arent using a tank with regulator? what is a burner? I was thinking about dry ice method but I don't have time for all this manual bullshit. I am way to busy to deal with anything more than I am already. I could turn the c02 on and off manually rather thango with a controller.
Exactly what I mean.. I'm also very interested in a CO2 tank with a regulator.. unfortunately for my small tent it's not really required.. so I stick to the old stupid yeast in a bottle methods.. wish I knew where to get dry ice here.. I would love to try that one out ;)
Btw. with that amount of space you have, you could really get something big started.. I'll be watching ;)


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for your comments.

Blackrose, What would you do with my space? I am working with plant limits, 12 right now, probably more very soon. I am in a condo type deal and don't feel comfortable going crazy. But I would be up for some upgrades for a yield. I have a 9X10X7 room with the 4X4 partitioned off for veg and then seedlings above. I'd love to hear what you would do with this space.


Well-Known Member
HI everybody, rough day in my world. Had a few too many last night, woke up at 10AM to find that none of the lights are on (should have come on at 5) and then proceeded to vomit my brains out until I obtained my green medicine. Yesterday I put the 1000w HPS on them because they were staying so compact. They are still on the 18-6 light cycle to stretch things out, and I should begin flowering in a week or so. I can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for your comments.

Blackrose, What would you do with my space? I am working with plant limits, 12 right now, probably more very soon. I am in a condo type deal and don't feel comfortable going crazy. But I would be up for some upgrades for a yield. I have a 9X10X7 room with the 4X4 partitioned off for veg and then seedlings above. I'd love to hear what you would do with this space.
If I had a 9x10x7 room and max 12 plants right now..
First of all the room dimensions are awesome for growing weed.
I would veg 6 longer then avg. to make them as big as possible in those exact pots.. what you actually want to achieve here isn't necessarily height or width but root development.. you want the plants to reach close to the maximum size they could attain within those pots so the roots can grow basically out of control in there and then have them repotted into much larger 5/6 gallon pots and trigger flowering 2-3 days afterwards. What this will do is make the roots explode and the plant will grow really big and fast, and if topped and fimmed correctly, you could end up with some giant buds.
the other 6 plants I would do a SOG method with because you're not getting much space left in the room and you don't want to have 6 more large plants without any room to grow them.. So it doesn't have to be a 1 Cola SOG method, but keep them small by triggering flowering earlier or keep them in small pots or just train them to stay short and bushy or really tall and skinny :P bongsmilie
But I'm high right now, so tweek it up before doing it so there's always maximum light exposure to your plants. And I think you should get an additional 600W for those 6 on the side.

With this method I think I could end up with over 2lbs. dried with 12 plants.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Thanks for your comments. That really helps that you explained the whole cycle. I Like what you are thinking and to have two different types of care going. I eventually want to do some big trees, and just leave a plant in the veg room for a while. Today I did a little more LST and then moved the plants out into the main room. They are growing so fast, I can't believe it. I think I am going to try and veg under HPS and LST, Things stretch out so much more and there might be some sweet results with some lst and tlc. I got pics today and obviously you can tell they are now under the hps.

1000w HPS
light cycle: 18-6
Nutrients- Techna flora recipe for sucess veg stage, and water with 1 drop/gallon of superthrive in between feedings
Most are probably about 30 days old some a little older



Well-Known Member
Can anybody help me with the light meter. It measures foot candles. Looking at the top guage multiply times X10. Say 3,000 foot candles. How do footcandles come into play?