need help topping!


ok so i think im ready to top my plant??? im at around 18 inches in the third full week of veg, does anyone have any idea where and how to top the plant in a good way?? and is my plant ready yet? how do you know when its ready??
i dont wanna end up with a tall skinny plant but not sure if im topping too early? alot of stuff ive read says to top the plant around two nodes down? is this enough? i want a bush not a lamppost! please help!
also i read a term FIMing instead of topping?? wot is that? cheers!!:eyesmoke:


cheers, although how old is ur plant at that stage? i know i have to top in the veg stage just not sure when? plants 18 inches at the minute and im not gonna veg it any higher than 3 to 3half feet?

grow space

Well-Known Member
cheers, although how old is ur plant at that stage? i know i have to top in the veg stage just not sure when? plants 18 inches at the minute and im not gonna veg it any higher than 3 to 3half feet?
Dont really remember...sorry...Look up my Journal...that may give you your answer U seek:lol::hump:


Active Member
topping is easy, cut off the top! about 1/4 inch above any node 4 nodes up or higher. I like to top as high as i can, and you may have to top the 2 new shoots as they grow up.