Coco Growers Unite!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey don, how you doing? look dude we gotta convert you. coco is the bomb man, seriously. check out my journal. it is a grow dedicated to the guys that won't or can't afford the other hydro sytems that are not only pricey to buy, but also to maintain with expensive multiple nutes, system problems and maintenence, and most of all,....time. dude you get almost all the benefits of hydro with less than a quarter of the work, at least the way i do it, and , and, and for a whole run, that's eight weeks maybe nine, for the 50L bag of coco, the A-B two part mix, and a bloom booster i am only out of $75 to$85. and on th next few runs it's less than that because the bottle of bloom booster(gen. hydro. floralicious bloom)last about four or five runs. but hey check it out and you be the judge.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHAHA am all gravy Zen master all gravy !!!

dude im all up in the coco mix ive been in coco for about 2 nearly 3 months now man

i judge the shit to be THE shit:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHAHA am all gravy Zen master all gravy !!!

dude im all up in the coco mix ive been in coco for about 2 nearly 3 months now man

i judge the shit to be THE shit:mrgreen:

my bad i guess i misunderstood you. me personally i'm coming up on two and a half years with coco and i love it. did you get a chance to visit my grow just put up some new pics? btw that bud is one of those things that if i did'nt know what i was looking at, i would think it was fake. man that's pretty, like if you licked it, it would make you want to just stick it in your jaw and suck on it all day!(NO PUN INTENDED). got any more pics?what strain is that?



Well-Known Member
canna and horticulturist both agree, its better to pot up at least once or more... but do as u will.


Active Member
i wasn't trying to dredge up the debate over an's credibility. i've already stated elsewhere that i use an products because my dispensary sells them at discount prices - which an products i use are dictated by which ones they carry.

quite frankly i don't need to debate how well an nutes work - i grow with an in dwc AND canna in coco side by side under the same lights and i'm gathering my own first hand knowledge.

i pay $12/L for sensi a+b for my dwc growing and $17/L for canna for my coco growing. voodoo & rhizotonic are both totally overpriced and canna is watered down so that not only do i pay more - i have to use more.

i could also buy optimum or botanicare for my coco for less but i have done plenty of homework and i chose the brands i thought would deliver based on growers' testimonies both on riu and elsewhere.


Active Member
canna and horticulturist both agree, its better to pot up at least once or more... but do as u will.
i usually pot up, especially outside in the garden when i'm dealing with soil and veggies. they like the little square 4" pots i have.

i'll probably try starting in 2-3L pots next time with the coco.


Well-Known Member
i wasn't trying to dredge up the debate over an's credibility. i've already stated elsewhere that i use an products because my dispensary sells them at discount prices - which an products i use are dictated by which ones they carry.

quite frankly i don't need to debate how well an nutes work - i grow with an in dwc AND canna in coco side by side under the same lights and i'm gathering my own first hand knowledge.

i pay $12/L for sensi a+b for my dwc growing and $17/L for canna for my coco growing. voodoo & rhizotonic are both totally overpriced and canna is watered down so that not only do i pay more - i have to use more.

i could also buy optimum or botanicare for my coco for less but i have done plenty of homework and i chose the brands i thought would deliver based on growers' testimonies both on riu and elsewhere.
i think AN has good products too, i just dont use them...

thats rad u got yours at a discount... good deal.


Well-Known Member
could somebody explain how the canna nutrient bottles work? from what I see, it has two safety caps seperating two compartments, but there's no easy way to get the solution from one side to the other because the tops don't seal. My plants are doing about much better than last time with the coco and canna as opposed to the miracle grow though, but the bottles still piss me off. It says shake well before using but the tops aren't sealed, the liquid might as well be stored in a bag for crying out loud. What am I not understanding?


Well-Known Member
could somebody explain how the canna nutrient bottles work? from what I see, it has two safety caps seperating two compartments, but there's no easy way to get the solution from one side to the other because the tops don't seal. My plants are doing about much better than last time with the coco and canna as opposed to the miracle grow though, but the bottles still piss me off. It says shake well before using but the tops aren't sealed, the liquid might as well be stored in a bag for crying out loud. What am I not understanding?
where are the lids??


Well-Known Member
where are the lids??
They're like child-safety caps you see on medicine bottles, although not airtight like some of them are. I know 'cause I used to pass drug tests at the hospital with a prescription bottle filled with somebody else's urine.

I don't know, it just seems like the bottle is specifically designed to perform some function that escapes me, the way it's subdivided into two halves, with one for measuring, and the handles being hollow so you can tip it on the side to fill the measuring container. Except you can't do that unless you want to spill a bunch of canna solution on yourself. It's really strange, and I have to believe I'm missing something obvious, or that canna loves making elaborate bottle designs with low practicality.


Well-Known Member
Preehaps u overtightened the lids and stripped the thread. or may be the white seals are missing from inside the lid. I've used 1000's of there bottles and never had a single problem. Bet if u got new bottles the bottles/lids would work fine.


could somebody explain how the canna nutrient bottles work? from what I see, it has two safety caps seperating two compartments, but there's no easy way to get the solution from one side to the other because the tops don't seal. My plants are doing about much better than last time with the coco and canna as opposed to the miracle grow though, but the bottles still piss me off. It says shake well before using but the tops aren't sealed, the liquid might as well be stored in a bag for crying out loud. What am I not understanding?


Well-Known Member
take the lid off the small chamber (with measurements on it), leave the other lid on tight. hold bottle upright & squeeze the main part gently, the liquid will be pushed from the holding side of the bottle to the measureing side (small side) . easy if this dont hppen its the seals or thread.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah dude leave both caps on twist the bottle round so the thin tube inside to the measuring chamber fills up twist the bottle round a little more and air pressure forces the feed into the measuring chamber. take the cap off n pour

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
my bad i guess i misunderstood you. me personally i'm coming up on two and a half years with coco and i love it. did you get a chance to visit my grow just put up some new pics? btw that bud is one of those things that if i did'nt know what i was looking at, i would think it was fake. man that's pretty, like if you licked it, it would make you want to just stick it in your jaw and suck on it all day!(NO PUN INTENDED). got any more pics?what strain is that?
aint no skin off my chicken fella!

dropped in on your journo some nice nuggz you got poppin man!

strain is exodus (UK) cheese and it stinks like nothing else

couple more pics for ya



Well-Known Member
take the lid off the small chamber (with measurements on it), leave the other lid on tight. hold bottle upright & squeeze the main part gently, the liquid will be pushed from the holding side of the bottle to the measureing side (small side) . easy if this dont hppen its the seals or thread.

You're a freaking genius Madazz. Thanks. It was a really trivial thing, but still bothered me for some reason.


Active Member
i love the canna dispenser bottles. i've always complained about how an's liter bottles leak but i gotta say the canna bottles are the best containers i've bought nutes in.


Well-Known Member

Hi all, I just put an Afghan Kush seed to germ in a 16 oz. cup filled with coco. (I don't do the paper towel method, etc.; I prefer to germ right in the grow medium so I don't have to mess with sensitive tap roots.) I first got the coco soaked with pH'd water mixed with rooting hormones, then placed the seed about 1/4" down. To make sure the seed doesn't end up moving around, I'm just lightly misting the surface of the coco when needed instead of pouring water in there and risking unsettling the seed's positioning.

I can't imagine germing in coco being any less effective than using rockwool, soil, peat pellets, etc., but just in case.... has anyone had problems germing this way? If it's not a good idea, I can easily switch my seed to a rockwool cube. But it would have to be done quickly, as it's already been in the coco about 24 hours. AND, it's my only AK seed, so I certainly don't want to risk it not sprouting!

Answers? Suggestions? :mrgreen:

Thanks in advance!
~~ Kat ~~


Well-Known Member
i would leave it in the coco...

you are smart for watering it with a spray bottle, continue to water this way for the most part, until some roots are present to avoid a soggy medium and i think you will be fine.

and make sure you got drain holes poked in the bottom of that cup.


Well-Known Member

Thank you for such a fast response! :hug: And for the "smart" observation; common sense dictated just light misting using a spray bottle. ;) And yes, I've got drain holes in all my cups, as well as clear cups for humidity domes that also have small holes in them for ventilation; not that I ever forget things like removing a humidity dome a couple times a day to let my clones/seedlings breathe! :lol:

Looks like I asked just a tad too soon.... just over 24 hours since I put the AK seed in to germ, and it's already starting to sprout! :clap: Nice & thick taproot there already. This Afghan is gonna make me very happy, indeed! :mrgreen: And after only two weeks of using coco, I'm in love and will never go back to hydro systems or soil! :hump: