Well-Known Member
aww shit manlol thanks guys
I don't know if you know...
but TLD is very very sick right now.....
don't know whats wrong with me (I hate doctors and western medicine in general)........ been in bed mostly for the last couple of days......... all the symptoms
well...... only reason I am bringing it up is:
I just went up to water the ladies at the greenhouse....... head was pounding over and over with pain, dizzy, swirling, stumbling around off balance, super hot soar tired etc....... stomach turning......
I puked in one of my Sensi Stars's pots........... then fell over and passed out for about 20 minutes or so IDK...... Im not going to tell my wife, she would want to take me to the hospital.... but I hope that Sensi Star is all right.....

feel better man and take it easy