need some help with two questions...


Well-Known Member
Hello again everyone! Yep, I have two questions that I need help with. Kinda mixed up on what/when to do.

Alright, I got lucky enough to get a female plant from some reg bud seeds.

She's been flowering for exactly one week now.. and every morning since she showed me that she.. is a she.. every morning since when I wake her for her lighting bath she surprises me with new flower growth and new stigma (white hairs) growth all over the place. Especially at the top main cola right now. Well, now that I finally got lucky enough to grow a female.. I would like to take a clone or two from her.

However, I have no experience taking clones. I'm sure I can do it.. once I read some information on how to take the clones. Although, that's not my main

My main concern.. is when is it alright to try and take a clone or two from her?

Especially since she is in her first week of flowering now... I don't want to interrupt her flowering or cause any unnecassary stress to her while she is flowering.

So, when is a good time to take clones?

As, my plan is to keep this strain growing.

----second question below------

Alright, now that you know what I am trying to do.. here is my next question.

Can I make my current plant that i have been talking about taking clones from.. could I make her a mother plant?

Or do I make one of the clones that I take later... the mother plant?

Really need some help with all this if anyone is interested in helping me.
Sure would be greatly appreciated in advance. Thanks everyone!!! Peace.

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if it were me i would make this the mother plant and keep cloning her......and if u plan to do that you can start cloning her now dont wait to long cuz then the buds will start to form and will take the clones much longer to revert back to veg....
if it were me i would make this the mother plant and keep cloning her......and if u plan to do that you can start cloning her now dont wait to long cuz then the buds will start to form and will take the clones much longer to revert back to veg....

hey thanks man. yeah, like i said i wasn't

sure of what to do really. So I really do

appreciate the advice.

One question right quick too though if you don't mind buddy.

k so remember she pretty much just showed her me her sex 7 days ago.. as of today.

So, if I take a clone or two today.. or tomorrow... will that stress my girl too much?

Just wondering.. thanks man.

Thanks again man.
Good luck & Happy growing to ya`s
i wont lie to you and say it wont stress it cause it will but it shouldn't stress it to bad if you only take a couple this time......