Brownies and Euphoria


New Member
The lady and I made some brownies the other day. We used a small pan(maybe 10x10) and a 1/2 of some pretty good shit. Keep it mind the most I've ever smoked is maybe 2 blunts back to back...I'm just not a heavy smoker. We'll...we both at 2-3(who remembers at this point) and I have seriously never been so high, lol. Anyone else experience this? She didn't feel as much...but she's been smoking for years. I mean I was almost freaking out I was so high...It was nice but definitely a little just 1 brownie next time ;-)


Well-Known Member
The lady and I made some brownies the other day. We used a small pan(maybe 10x10) and a 1/2 of some pretty good shit. Keep it mind the most I've ever smoked is maybe 2 blunts back to back...I'm just not a heavy smoker. We'll...we both at 2-3(who remembers at this point) and I have seriously never been so high, lol. Anyone else experience this? She didn't feel as much...but she's been smoking for years. I mean I was almost freaking out I was so high...It was nice but definitely a little just 1 brownie next time ;-)
I love to make brownies.. i make butter first than use that and the high lasts like 10 hrs and at some points its almost scary how high i get but then i remember oh its just weed... i make butter and just keep it in the freezer..... love it


Well-Known Member
made some chili once. All raw ingredients, not out of a can. One bowl(1 serving for me) : 1 tbsp hydroponic, and (i think it was) about 3 grams of fresh mushrooms. Oh man. what a great day that was. I cooked it with the hydro to get it mixed with the oils, and to get it psychoactive, and threw the psylocibe in after cooking but before cooling.


Well-Known Member
made some chili once. All raw ingredients, not out of a can. One bowl(1 serving for me) : 1 tbsp hydroponic, and (i think it was) about 3 grams of fresh mushrooms. Oh man. what a great day that was. I cooked it with the hydro to get it mixed with the oils, and to get it psychoactive, and threw the psylocibe in after cooking but before cooling.
let me get this streight you cooked a methode of growing????


Well-Known Member
no. silly. hydro = short for hydroponic weed. Like
"you got some weed?" :: "yeah"
"is it good weed or is it schwag?" :: "its hydro"
"lets smoke some hydro then"

You mean we're smoking dogshit man?:roll:


Well-Known Member
IMO you need a minimum of at least 10-20 g's a batch for brownies....Then there is very little Euphoria...It's all intense. Seriously the most intense trip I've ever had was from brownies. A good batch of brownies is more intense then a crazy mushroom trip.


New Member
Well...I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was intense as shit. Just ate one more guess I'll see what 1 small one does this time....We just ground the weed into dust and mixed it in the batter rather than making butter.


Well-Known Member
no. silly. hydro = short for hydroponic weed. Like
"you got some weed?" :: "yeah"
"is it good weed or is it schwag?" :: "its hydro"
"lets smoke some hydro then"

You mean we're smoking dogshit man?:roll:
oh im silly thats right because if it was grown hydroponicly than it must be good:roll:


Active Member
from my experience brownies and baking with weed is just a waste of bud, i did not feel high at all the few times that i have tried eating weed. smoking it just works way better. and yes i did it right everytime, read several different guides on how to do it right, and followed directions perfectly, i have ate just weed butter on bread, i have ate brownies, and me and a friend even tried oatmeal once. the most recent time was just the butter on bread and we used 20 grams of some good mids to make the butter, afterwards i didnt feel high i just felt like i wasted 20 grams of bud, smoking that would have got me high multiple times and it would of lasted way longer then the butter did.


Well-Known Member
I have no offense taken or meant to offend at all. I will be more careful on my manner of speech and careful on my choice of language in the future. hehe, dogshit brownies... .

True, just because its hydro doesn't mean its a sure shot good ganja. but it could have been if the grower was skilled. Thats not to be broadcast to the general public as far as I know. Nobody is aware of any illegal activity around me, or any of my associates. But i do wish weed was legalized. then I could finally smoke some. . . legally. :D

I also once made brownies but oversdosed it. Smoking too much herb either made me stupid stoned, or smoked sober. Eating too much weed just put me directly to sleep. zzzzzzzzz

The culinary arts are something I'm not exactly skilled in. I'd love to have some brownies that were done properly. That'd be awesome.


Well-Known Member
from my experience brownies and baking with weed is just a waste of bud, i did not feel high at all the few times that i have tried eating weed. smoking it just works way better. and yes i did it right everytime, read several different guides on how to do it right, and followed directions perfectly, i have ate just weed butter on bread, i have ate brownies, and me and a friend even tried oatmeal once. the most recent time was just the butter on bread and we used 20 grams of some good mids to make the butter, afterwards i didnt feel high i just felt like i wasted 20 grams of bud, smoking that would have got me high multiple times and it would of lasted way longer then the butter did.
ive noticed sometimes if you smoke weed before eating it on the same day the effects are not that great. you must not have done something right i know you said you did it right but if you did you would have been wasted


Well-Known Member
from my experience brownies and baking with weed is just a waste of bud, i did not feel high at all the few times that i have tried eating weed. smoking it just works way better. and yes i did it right everytime, read several different guides on how to do it right, and followed directions perfectly, i have ate just weed butter on bread, i have ate brownies, and me and a friend even tried oatmeal once. the most recent time was just the butter on bread and we used 20 grams of some good mids to make the butter, afterwards i didnt feel high i just felt like i wasted 20 grams of bud, smoking that would have got me high multiple times and it would of lasted way longer then the butter did.
When baking weed you have to be very careful not to burn the weed while making the butter or oil. Too much heat degrades the active ingredients. Also the best way to make brownies (this is the easiest way IMO) is to get some veg oil, heat it to low/medium and add weed. Once the weed has browned (it literally looks like cashed weed if you do it properly). The cooking process should take at most 15-30 mins depending on the amount of weed you use. I then place it in one of those nice gold coffee filters.

After the weed oil is screened clean, I then use a box of brownie mix (the key is to buy the kind of brownie mix that requires you to use only veg oil and water (the ones that require eggs are okay too), don't buy the ones that need butter, milk, ect.. these always come out bad).

Then bake as instructed on the box. Every time I've every made brownies this way they've always come out really fucking good and it's super easy to do. I've noticed most people that have had bad experience making brownies made them the wrong way (burnt the shit out of the oil or butter) or they didn't use enough weed. I think the veg oil method is pretty much fool proof.

All in all I've never had a non-intense brownie experience. They've always kicked my ass. I usually only eat one to two pieces and I cut them in 20 piece squares. If you make the pastries properly they are a pretty good use of weed IMO. Ass I said I use anywhere from 10 to 20gs a batch (the better the quality of weed the more intense the batch will be). This breaks down to about .5 to 1 g a slice...and those fuckers get you high way longer and harder than smoking weed.