Cheap c02 idea

do you guys think if i were to by a humidifier such as this|Sunpentown_Ultrasonic_Humidifier_SU2000&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=B000O3I26M&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001
and just filled the tank with sparkling water, would that work as c02? i know that sparkling water has c02 in it, just not sure if the method of putting it in the air is correct, does anyone have any other ideas how to spray sparkling water onto plants, thats automated no human work needed ?

do you guys think if i were to by a humidifier such as this|Sunpentown_Ultrasonic_Humidifier_SU2000&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=B000O3I26M&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001
and just filled the tank with sparkling water, would that work as c02? i know that sparkling water has c02 in it, just not sure if the method of putting it in the air is correct, does anyone have any other ideas how to spray sparkling water onto plants, thats automated no human work needed ?

I think you'll be better off just putting the water in a spray bottle and spray the leaves:mrgreen::mrgreen: just my 2 cents ..


Active Member
Dude, janky Co2 setup is easy if you're grow is small. Mix sugar water and active yeast in a big jug with holes and let it sit for a few days, shaking it whenever you see it. In a few days it will always be producing co2, and when you shake it you get a big burst. Another way to get a little shot of it is baking soda and vinegar. You can either find a way to have the vinegar drip into a tray of baking soda (shampoo bottle with holes on opposite ends, one for air to come in). Or you can just mix them together and punch a hole in the top of the jug. I used both on my last grow and they worked great , but I've been lazy on this one. BTW, Co2 doesn't work in dark, does it?


Well-Known Member
that seems like an expensive co2 idea. there is very little co2 in a bottle of water. plant's exhaust co2 during the darm period.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I like to take a small cheap styrofoam cooler, and with a 1/2'' drill bit make a row of holes about 1'' apart all the way around the side of the cooler about 1 and 1/2'' from the bottom. Put about a pound of dry ice in it and hang it above your lights. Since the cold c02 is heavier than the ambient air, it gently flows down over your plants.


Well-Known Member
I like to take a small cheap styrofoam cooler, and with a 1/2'' drill bit make a row of holes about 1'' apart all the way around the side of the cooler about 1 and 1/2'' from the bottom. Put about a pound of dry ice in it and hang it above your lights. Since the cold c02 is heavier than the ambient air, it gently flows down over your plants.
for using dry ice , a worm farm already has the vents in it.


Active Member
well it would be theoretically cheap

but the sparkling water would kill your wallet fast.

and you wouldnt need a humidifier to separate the co2, gas separates from liquid as a mater of principal/physics.

just opening the bottle starts the process of losing co2.

youd be better off buying co2 cannisters for BB or paintball guns, from an investment per PPM outlook.

what ive been thinkin is, u know what makes alot of co2, thats right HOBOS.

so im gonna get me some HOBOS like this
and lock em in my grow room, all you gotta do is pour in a little vodka every now and then, and give em a little shake once and awhile, and PRESTO.
all the co2 you could ever ask for.

or burn your carbon scrubbers when your done. burning acctivated carbon makes huge amounts of CO2, (also makes alot of CO, thats carbon monoxide) so dont go and asphixiate.


Active Member


Active Member
dry ice in a pressure cooker.

the increased pressure will slow sublimation and keep output more consistent.

just dont let the pressure get too high, or boom.