Sannies Blue Hammer


New Member
I see power in every combo you have. I didn't think it though. Since you are where you are, the bag seed should be very good. Don't blame you for thinking of a mother with that potential. GDP and OG! That ought to be something. Best of the new stuff maybe! What are clone prices like? I've heard about $10 per.

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
I see power in every combo you have. I didn't think it though. Since you are where you are, the bag seed should be very good. Don't blame you for thinking of a mother with that potential. GDP and OG! That ought to be something. Best of the new stuff maybe! What are clone prices like? I've heard about $10 per.
yeah around there depending on size its $25 for one fully rooted in a one gallon bag that stands aboutt 15inch and small clones are around $8-$15

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
okay i got a question ive had these 2 plants in my indoor flowering room for about a week and i wanna know if i can just move them out to my greenhouse outdoors to bud?

there female clones but the havent even showed a single pistol yet


New Member
Yes you can. Indoor to outdoor is fine but outdoor to indoor may be a problem due to possible bugs being transported to an indoor grow room causing problems.

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
Yes you can. Indoor to outdoor is fine but outdoor to indoor may be a problem due to possible bugs being transported to an indoor grow room causing problems.
awsome thanks dude. glad ur following this thread. and yeah the only time i bring anything from outdoor is a cutting and i inspect all the leafs first.

about 6 months ago i had a bad spider mite problem but im glad it got taken care of and i had to move my inddor room somewhwere else