why does water sound like a pain in the ass?


Well-Known Member
oh nice yeah im not trying to spend crap load of money on filters ill test my water levels before I do anything though thanks


Well-Known Member
if your tap water is between 6.5-7.0 ph then its perfect for your plants.
(feed water at room temprature).

Yep, and if it is city or municiple. Then draw it and let it set in your grow area for 24 hrs or so open to let things added evaporate off. Add nutes, ph and feed. Feed, water, water. Feed, water, water.

I get it now Chris, thanks! (I'm tired and stoned.)


New Member
Yep, and if it is city or municiple. Then draw it and let it set in your grow area for 24 hrs or so open to let things added evaporate off. Add nutes, ph and feed. Feed, water, water. Feed, water, water.

I get it now Chris, thanks! (I'm tired and stoned.)
cool cowboy.
have a nice :sleep:.



Well-Known Member
so not trying to do all the added extra shit you only add nutes to the water every other watering so I think ill just boil my water for awhile and let shit die so yeah what do you think?


New Member
Do not fert every other watering unless you only water once a week.

Start ur fert levels low and slowly build upwards.... not too fast and not too often.


Well-Known Member
i did not say chlorine killed my plants, i said chloramine, two very different things. and around here it is known, i was just a little late hearing about it after they switch over from chlorine.

so to answer your ? i guess. Chlorine will be gone after letting water stand for a couple of days, but chloramine will not go away just by letting the water stand. since ammonia has been added to it. you need some other solution to remove it, there are a couple of different ways i know of and after killing a couple beta's/plants i went ahead and did some research.

they say chloramine is safe for human consumption, but dont use it for your pets and plants, still have not been able to figure that one out.

as far as PROOF!!!!!!!!!!! your gonna have to find that on your own, i just rely on trial and error, and it was the only variable i changed in my little controlled experiment.

where is the proof that chlorine fucked up your grow ????????.
love to hear it as i like to learn these things.



Well-Known Member
their is no evidence that your plant problems were caused by the water.
can you honestly 100% blame it on the water(think not) and if you can tell me how you came to this conclusion ?????.

First off I'm not talking about the current problem I'm having. I had to switch to r/o water 2 grows ago because of my tapwater situation. Our water isn't treated with chloramine so I know it wasn't that. I tried for 2 months and killed 10 plants with our water when we moved. After I switched to r/o water I haven't killed a plant since. So I guess I don't have proof and I'm no detective, but simple deductive reasoning...the water was the only variable changed hence I assume that my 500-600 ppm water was the problem. Is that good enough proof for ya?


New Member
First off I'm not talking about the current problem I'm having. I had to switch to r/o water 2 grows ago because of my tapwater situation. Our water isn't treated with chloramine so I know it wasn't that. I tried for 2 months and killed 10 plants with our water when we moved. After I switched to r/o water I haven't killed a plant since. So I guess I don't have proof and I'm no detective, but simple deductive reasoning...the water was the only variable changed hence I assume that my 500-600 ppm water was the problem. Is that good enough proof for ya?
i was not quoting you.
go back and read the thread.
and proof of what ?????????.
shitty water ??????.



Well-Known Member
i was not quoting you.
go back and read the thread.
and proof of what ?????????.
shitty water ??????.

I think you need to go back and read bro because you did quote me and are disputing the fact that my water caused problems with my plants. You tell people that tapwater is o.k. to use yet you use bottled water??? A little contradictory huh? I'm done arguing the point with you. My original point was that not everybody's tapwater is o.k. to use for growing. Some people have really horrible water (like me). You are trying to give out advice to people that you don't even follow yourself. I'm just tired of you coming on here thinking that you are "The Authority" on growing.

All hail Luda


Well-Known Member
It ain't me that everyone on here thinks doesn't grow. Go ahead and attack me. I think people on here can make up their own minds about who the child is.:peace:
P.S. That was 2 grows ago that I killed my plants....I think I'm pretty much over it.


New Member
It ain't me that everyone on here thinks doesn't grow. Go ahead and attack me. I think people on here can make up their own minds about who the child is.:peace:
i wont be attacking anyone (not my style).
and yes the users do see who is the child.
not me sorry.



Well-Known Member
i wont be attacking anyone (not my style).
and yes the users do see who is the child.
not me sorry.

I never called you a loser bro. You want to tell everyone that I sent you a pm telling you I was leaving the site. I think I still have 2 of your pm's where you cried your ass off and said you were leaving.....Those who live in glass houses......
I have left the site as far as you are concerned. If you want to continue this back and forth I have nothing better to do. I've been nothing but nice to you. If you want to pm my friends and tell them to drop me, that's fine with me too. Now who's the child?


New Member
I never called you a loser bro. You want to tell everyone that I sent you a pm telling you I was leaving the site. I think I still have 2 of your pm's where you cried your ass off and said you were leaving.....Those who live in glass houses......
I have left the site as far as you are concerned. If you want to continue this back and forth I have nothing better to do. I've been nothing but nice to you. If you want to pm my friends and tell them to drop me, that's fine with me too. Now who's the child?

why are you so angry ?????????????.
what did i do ???????.
and i dont know who your friends are.
chill out man and dont be so crazy and mad at me please.



Well-Known Member
why are you so angry ?????????????.
what did i do ???????.
and i dont know who your friends are.
chill out man and dont be so crazy and mad at me please.

I'm not angry. I'm disappointed man. You lied to me for one. You pull this passive aggressive crap with all kinds of people on here. You call them out, get them all worked up and then act like you've done nothing. You know exactly what kind of crap you've pulled dude. I'm done listening to you, I'm done arguing with you and I'm done watching you treat others in this way. I really do feel sorry for you man. It must be lonely there up on your pedestal.

I just wanted to add that you do this crap to people's threads all the time and now I''m no better than you. I want to apologize to the OP for jacking this thread with this pointless bickering.


New Member
I'm not angry. I'm disappointed man. You lied to me for one. You pull this passive aggressive crap with all kinds of people on here. You call them out, get them all worked up and then act like you've done nothing. You know exactly what kind of crap you've pulled dude. I'm done listening to you, I'm done arguing with you and I'm done watching you treat others in this way. I really do feel sorry for you man. It must be lonely there up on your pedestal.

I just wanted to add that you do this crap to people's threads all the time and now I''m no better than you. I want to apologize to the OP for jacking this thread with this pointless bickering.

message me with your concerns as its not good to be jacking a thread with this bull.

(sorry O.P).



Well-Known Member
You don't have to worry Robin, karma will take care of this situation. What comes around goes around.