Bubbleponics 1st Grow

First, I would like to thank Roseman for your time and extraordinary effort in helping to foster the growth of this Bubbleponics community. Secondly, I wish to thank all Bubbleheads for unselfishly sharing your experiences and knowledge to help others.

Here is my story… After reading, reading, and reading even more, I decided to draw up a plan to cultivate hydroponically. Three books, 200hrs online, and an unexpected, but fortunate chance conversation with Ed Rosenthal later, I decided to set upon the journey.
Let me preface my journal by stating that I will be adhering to Roseman’s/PurpDaddy’s Method as closely as possible. Also, I know that 24 plants are more than the normal grow, and I am willing to make changes (reductions 3-4 per system, SOG or SCROG, immediate flower, etc.) with prudent recommendations.

Here are the technicals:
1. Area; 4.5’x7’x7’, completely covered with Panda Plastic, 1-Window, 1-Door for fresh air. Utilizing 4.5’x4’ for grow area.
2. System; SH Bubbleponics Pro II – 24 Planter.
3. Lighting; 270W HID Hut Supernova Enhanced L.E.D., 1000W HPS w/Cool Tube. I have a backup 1000W HPS, but I think it is overkill and would get too hot.
4. Ventilation: 6” Carbon Filter, 6” Vortex fan, 8” Oscillating fan, portable AC unit.
5. Nutes; SH High Feed (Grow and Bloom, not premeasured). City Water (let stand for 1hr before mixing).
6. pH; Meter: Hanna Champ pH. Adjustment; SH pH UP/DOWN powder.
7. Stains; Querkle, Sour Grapes, Grandaddy Purple, Cotton Candy (Started from Clones 4”-5”)

Other than lighting and space differences, I have followed Roseman’s Guide without too much diversion from the original method. I must admit, even after being forewarned throughout the Roseman Guide, I got suckered into the pH UP/DOWN game for a couple of nute mixes. Besides time lost, a few g’s of nutes, and a jar of pH UP/DOWN, I did not let those mistakes into the system. My other mistake was to decide to not turn the AC on and it got up
to 86 on that day.

So here I am, after 7 days into the journey and I am still not able to understand how to control the daily pH spikes.

Day 1, after the initial pH balance (5.9) and fill (4-systems) using plain water for the 1st day, I decided to add ½ nutes on day 2 and ½ on day 3. I again checked the pH and adjusted using a gallon of the new-nute-added-water before mixing into each planter. I triple checked the pH by capturing a sample from the drain pipe, it read as stable 6.0.

Day 4 pH check of all 4-planters returned; 7.8, 7.6, 8.1, and 8.4. I left it unaltered for another day (roots were growing, couple of them 1”-2” below bottom of net pot after only 4 days. I did find that there was a slightly slimey film on the water pump and tubes so I called SH and they said it was normal.

Day 5 check returned similar results, thus the decision to adjust pH. 1.5hrs later and it is all looking good.

Day 6 check and pH is spiking again at; 7.1, 7.7, 8.4, and 8.0. Instead of making changes, I look to identify the root of the problem by segregating/isolating the processes and testing at each step. I mix nute mix and fill both of the Pro II Reservoirs (approximately 12 gallons) and let it sit overnight.

Sunny Day 7 and I decide to take on the task of changing nutes in all systems. First I check the pH in both of the 2 Pro reservoirs, both return good results at 6.0 and 6.1 after sitting overnight. I empty and thoroughly clean the first of four systems, even wiping down with vinegar and drying before resetting. When re-installing the feeder tubes that were removed to clean the pump and tubes (water looked murky in one system, all were a slight bit slimey, all had some buildup in feeder tubes, rockwool was deteriorating and cakey (is that a word?) at point of feeder tube connection. I rinsed all plants and hydroton and rebuilt the system. Feeling good about re-sanitizing the system, I proceeded to refill system 1. Double checked pH using drain pipe sample, good at 6.0. Turn on water and air pump, move on to system 2. I follow the same procedure and all is good at 6.0 again. Couple hours later and everything has been cleaned, refilled, and all systems are a GO.

Third pH check after allowing systems to run for 2 full hours. 7.1, 7.3, 6.7, and 6.5. I understand that introducing other substances to the solution will alter the pH, but what in the plant, rockwool, hydroton, roots, pump, airstone, or hoses can it be. How do I manage this? SH recommened distilled or RO water, but the overnight check that I did as well as the initial fill check should rule out bad City Water, right??? Bubbleheads help desperately needed please.


Well-Known Member
Dude get some different Ph. I was using SH ph down and it was spiking everyday aswell. I have read about tons of others having the same problem with SH ph. I ordered some General Hydroponics Ph Down and ever since my ph has been very constant and usally takes a few days to start drifting up again. Check my grow out the link is in my sig, you can find me there anytime and post anymore questions you might have. Later Bro
Dude get some different Ph. I was using SH ph down and it was spiking everyday aswell. I have read about tons of others having the same problem with SH ph. I ordered some General Hydroponics Ph Down and ever since my ph has been very constant and usally takes a few days to start drifting up again. Check my grow out the link is in my sig, you can find me there anytime and post anymore questions you might have. Later Bro

Thanks a million bro, now I can watch football without this pH problem eating away at me. I will change it up tomorrow and get things back under control. I have been following your tread as well, I keep trying to learn from other bubbleheads experiences. Thanks again.
Day 10 Update.

The girls are looking great, most of the roots have begun to swim, and I finally got the 1000W HPS working. I have been using the Supernova L.E.D. excusively, but I thinking of starting the HPS when flowering begins.

I need some help in topping/fimming please. At what hight should I begin topping/fimming? I do not have clearly defined 4 branches 2x2 opposite of eachother. I have branches growing off of side branches and the main stem is going in different directions or splitting. Should I explore SOG or SCROG? Here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Purpdaddy. I have 24 girls in the room, do you think I should reduce the family and supercrop or just supercrop? If so, by how many? Thanks.
If you can fit em all and have sufficient amount of light for em...HELL YEA!
Topp,supercrop..i do both now!Supercropping is awesom