• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

got possion for the purpose in canada,


Well-Known Member
Your a real UFC tuff typer:lol:, also I was giving permission to use this account. and youll also see that im a properly mannered person no matter how other people act. if you grew up on my reservation and talked the way you type lol well that would not be pleasent.
i was acting tough?:lol: your the one making threats, i only made observations.:fire:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i read no threats made where is this coming from

slap on the behind wont serve 1 day with your background and your furture youll be fine
wait..... did you say you where a person of color. ...oh well there going to hang you brotha

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
i read no threats made where is this coming from

slap on the behind wont serve 1 day with your background and your furture youll be fine
wait..... did you say you where a person of color. ...oh well there going to hang you brotha
ahh thanks man, im glad to see their is still people with a firm head on their sholders reading my fourms lol

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
ya i know i need to think about something else but we you sell about a p a week, the option of making about 3000 grand a week if i grew some decent shit my self would be on my mind, i mean 3ooo grand a week, i c y thats all can think about, n doing it well. n also you dont have a right to call me not smart, i went down because in the truck we were in, had a head light out, wich would be my bad for getting in a heat car but that wouldnt have lead to the bust. the guy i was with for some fucking reason just likes to store his freshly purchased weed in his glove box :|(without my knowdlge) so when the pig asked for insurance guess what he saw. bam hes allowed to search the truck now. every one learns from their mistakes, you cant denial this and from now on i wont put myself in that position of having a vechial to search. i know my land area of my sourrondings so getting a new phone for dealing n telling them to meet a soiled connection i "reccommend" wich would be me if you haven clued in, would be waiting at such n such, prefferably a remote place in the woods. n ill have the place scoped out watch them arrive, fallowed by cops n then i bail. also i wouldnt let them know my idienty so it goes down like this.
-need oz r up they txt dealing cell
-they get a mussage, meet at so n so ( theres a large forest with many unpaved gravel roads n my area) some where deep in the woods around 2am
-vechile is approuched by a guy in full camo with a belacalava n flach light to ensure they dont c my identy.
- switch product for cash n make the bag have a few extra gs n im sure bussiness will be booming, also i dont beleive in high pot prices so ya im going to have some extra bucks in my fature, just gotta play it safe
considering your vast amount of wealth one would think you would educate yourself and spell basic 3rd grader reading level words properly.


sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
considering your vast amount of wealth one would think you would educate yourself and spell basic 3rd grader reading level words properly.

I typed that paragraph in a hurry. So I'm as educated as a third grader because of that huh? Well I'm typing this prefectaly so... i just magical graduated third grade? you make no sense goof. don't bother me with your smart ass comments either.

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
I So I'm as educated as a third grader because of that huh? Well I'm typing this prefectaly so... i just magical graduated third grade? you make no sense goof. don't bother me with your smart ass comments either.

i believe the word is spelled

perfectly AND

the sentence should be writ, I just MAGICALLY graduated third grade.

for failing to recognize ones mistakes.

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
i believe the word is spelled

perfectly AND

the sentence should be writ, I just MAGICALLY graduated third grade.

for failing to recognize ones mistakes.
Does evey one know that asshole you always had in your class in grade school that was just the complete brown noiser, YOU SPELT THAT WRONG, always out to prove them self. You get your hard on by implying you have more knowdlege then others because you happen happens to love spell check. And really captials and pioreds are used in proper senteces as well. but spell check only gets words. Your just trying to be something you are not, you just can pull it off. Tsk tsk.

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
Does evey one know that asshole you always had in your class in grade school that was just the complete brown noiser, YOU SPELT THAT WRONG, always out to prove them self. You get your hard on by implying you have more knowdlege then others because you happen happens to love spell check. And really captials and pioreds are used in proper senteces as well. but spell check only gets words. Your just trying to be something you are not, you just can pull it off. Tsk tsk.

ok guy seeing as you insist on trying to bring a witty retort this will be my last response.

and miserably at that.


Active Member
Man, learn how to deal. Everything you've said so far is sooo sketchy. Having a scale, baggies, and over a pound? How about go the fuck home right after you pick up and never carry your scale and baggies. You can weigh out what you picked up to make sure you didn't get ripped off and your customers bags at home. Meeting people at 3am? Fuck, when I was dealing and someone called at 3am I just said "I'm sleeping" and hung up, if I even bothered to answer. Wearing complete camo and all that other shit? That's just gonna sketch your customers out. I sure as fuck wouldn't buy an ounce from some guy wearing complete camo in the middle of nowhere at 3am, even if he gave me an extra eighth and charged me $20 less than my other dealers. Texts are a bad idea too. Try to keep drug talk on the phone to the smallest amount possible, and delete all your voice messages from customers right after business is done. I could go on for a while, bottom line, learn your shit or someone's going to be plowing it.

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
Were obisually not talking on the same levels, your thinking dealing, were as im talking supplying. I can see this because <B>all<?B> the "pointers" you've said would apply if your selling small chops. handling anything over a oz in that style is just to heat, I know. i fallowed those rules for over two years or so. but no matter what youll make a slip up no matter how good you are. would you expect to get busted well driving a friends car with him to your next pick up then home. even tho you got your lisense and paper covered? no, and i sure didnt. to my supplies, he stores his pot in his glove box with out my knowldge, and that leaded to a search of the car when he had to show insureance.

also i dont know about you but ive got good connections, making sure i dont get ripped off isnt a issue. this is probally because around here ive got a good name to me, i give more then fair counts , and always smoke em a blunt. and im no snitch.
so with my rep having people who want a oz r up, will do what i say to get good cheap bud if i give them my word. as for that late, im sure that wouldnt apply always but that just the extecent im willing to make sure to not get busted again.

all n what your saying is legit but it dosent really help.
Aahahaha you won the thread by posting that southpark WoW Pic.

Also let me chime in.

Yes sargent mowinstien types like a dumbass.

But look at that sentence, he TYPES (key word) LIKE (like, so were not saying he is) a dumbass. Who cares how someone types. Although most smart people do type well, not all of them do. Also I've seen a lot of normal people type like they were a lot stupider.

It's a stupid way to judge people and anyone who does truly judge someone on it is only looking for ways to look and feel superior.


Active Member
Were obisually not talking on the same levels, your thinking dealing, were as im talking supplying. I can see this because <B>all<?B> the "pointers" you've said would apply if your selling small chops. handling anything over a oz in that style is just to heat, I know. i fallowed those rules for over two years or so. but no matter what youll make a slip up no matter how good you are. would you expect to get busted well driving a friends car with him to your next pick up then home. even tho you got your lisense and paper covered? no, and i sure didnt. to my supplies, he stores his pot in his glove box with out my knowldge, and that leaded to a search of the car when he had to show insureance.

also i dont know about you but ive got good connections, making sure i dont get ripped off isnt a issue. this is probally because around here ive got a good name to me, i give more then fair counts , and always smoke em a blunt. and im no snitch.
so with my rep having people who want a oz r up, will do what i say to get good cheap bud if i give them my word. as for that late, im sure that wouldnt apply always but that just the extecent im willing to make sure to not get busted again.

all n what your saying is legit but it dosent really help.

You think selling ounces at a time is supplying? Lol. Get a clue. Selling pounds at a time is supplying and at 18? I really don't think you have the capital to buy 20-30 pounds at a time.

You're an idiot. I really hope you end up in jail.


Active Member
Does evey one know that asshole you always had in your class in grade school that was just the complete brown noiser, YOU SPELT THAT WRONG, always out to prove them self. You get your hard on by implying you have more knowdlege then others because you happen happens to love spell check. And really captials and pioreds are used in proper senteces as well. but spell check only gets words. Your just trying to be something you are not, you just can pull it off. Tsk tsk.
You were called the dumbest drug dealer ever, which I have to agree with, and you asked how you were dumb. People are pointing that out. You talk, type, spell, text etc. like a fucking idiot AND you do stupid shit AND you are planning to do even more stupid shit while talking about it on a forum right after you got busted. You are the dumbest drug dealer I have ever come into contact with and people are pointing out your language because how someone uses language is usually a good place to start if you are attempting to gauge one's intelligence. Stop acting like a fucking idiot and people will stop treating you as one. Don't get all righteous on me and start dropping your seemingly justified ego bombs to put me in my place either. You've already proven that you don't know what the hell you are doing when you came here telling stories and when people tell you what to do or not to do you got all uppity because someone hurt your feelings. Get a job. You fail as a dealer.

Hey, you guys remember that trashy kid who had a shitty attitude and acted like a fucking idiot in class? He got in trouble doing stupid shit all the time because that's as far as his weak mind could take him. Yeah he used to try and call people down to make himself feel better but he never understood that he only made himself look worse.

I was going to ask you to make an attempt at legible text that I did not have to decipher but apparently expressing your thoughts and emotions in a clear and concise manner so as not to cause confusion in those you are attempting to communicate with is beyond you and this came out instead. So you reach far for that lowest common denominator and we'll see you at this year's Darwin awards ceremony. :peace:

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
You were called the dumbest drug dealer ever, which I have to agree with, and you asked how you were dumb. People are pointing that out. You talk, type, spell, text etc. like a fucking idiot AND you do stupid shit AND you are planning to do even more stupid shit while talking about it on a forum right after you got busted. You are the dumbest drug dealer I have ever come into contact with and people are pointing out your language because how someone uses language is usually a good place to start if you are attempting to gauge one's intelligence. Stop acting like a fucking idiot and people will stop treating you as one. Don't get all righteous on me and start dropping your seemingly justified ego bombs to put me in my place either. You've already proven that you don't know what the hell you are doing when you came here telling stories and when people tell you what to do or not to do you got all uppity because someone hurt your feelings. Get a job. You fail as a dealer.

Hey, you guys remember that trashy kid who had a shitty attitude and acted like a fucking idiot in class? He got in trouble doing stupid shit all the time because that's as far as his weak mind could take him. Yeah he used to try and call people down to make himself feel better but he never understood that he only made himself look worse.

I was going to ask you to make an attempt at legible text that I did not have to decipher but apparently expressing your thoughts and emotions in a clear and concise manner so as not to cause confusion in those you are attempting to communicate with is beyond you and this came out instead. So you reach far for that lowest common denominator and we'll see you at this year's Darwin awards ceremony. :peace:
Very insiteful, but seeing as this is a fourm and only that
what you do believe about me is to extreme limited to make any intelligent, as well as corrects. Bull shitter of there year congrats. ps dont waste your time with your unrelated comments to what this fourm is about. as you noticed i get a few of them. yet i dont let them phase me like your trying to do. if one cant be helpful then one is fucking useless to me. im keeping on rolling as you see, your just another speed bump.


Active Member
Very insiteful, but seeing as this is a fourm and only that
what you do believe about me is to extreme limited to make any intelligent, as well as corrects. Bull shitter of there year congrats. ps dont waste your time with your unrelated comments to what this fourm is about. as you noticed i get a few of them. yet i dont let them phase me like your trying to do. if one cant be helpful then one is fucking useless to me. im keeping on rolling as you see, your just another speed bump.
I was attempting to decipher your code but then i realized you were trying to rap, or something. Please just tell me that English is not your first language so i can look like an idiot and go skulk into a corner. :cry: