ya i know i need to think about something else but we you sell about a p a week, the option of making about 3000 grand a week if i grew some decent shit my self would be on my mind, i mean 3ooo grand a week, i c y thats all can think about, n doing it well. n also you dont have a right to call me not smart, i went down because in the truck we were in, had a head light out, wich would be my bad for getting in a heat car but that wouldnt have lead to the bust. the guy i was with for some fucking reason just likes to store his freshly purchased weed in his glove box

(without my knowdlge) so when the pig asked for insurance guess what he saw. bam hes allowed to search the truck now. every one learns from their mistakes, you cant denial this and from now on i wont put myself in that position of having a vechial to search. i know my land area of my sourrondings so getting a new phone for dealing n telling them to meet a soiled connection i "reccommend" wich would be me if you haven clued in, would be waiting at such n such, prefferably a remote place in the woods. n ill have the place scoped out watch them arrive, fallowed by cops n then i bail. also i wouldnt let them know my idienty so it goes down like this.
-need oz r up they txt dealing cell
-they get a mussage, meet at so n so ( theres a large forest with many unpaved gravel roads n my area) some where deep in the woods around 2am
-vechile is approuched by a guy in full camo with a belacalava n flach light to ensure they dont c my identy.
- switch product for cash n make the bag have a few extra gs n im sure bussiness will be booming, also i dont beleive in high pot prices so ya im going to have some extra bucks in my fature, just gotta play it safe