why does water sound like a pain in the ass?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Tap water is fine. Leave it out for the chlorine to evaporate if you really want to, but honestly, I don't think it makes a noticeable difference.
What do you mean you don't think it will make a difference?

It's a fact that chlorine dissipates!

If your tap water is safe to dink it's probably fine for your plants.


Well-Known Member
oh ok cool so I guess ill just use my tap water in leave it out so the chlorine dispates. so ill leave it out and just use my tap thanks


Well-Known Member
oh ok cool so I guess ill just use my tap water in leave it out so the chlorine dispates. so ill leave it out and just use my tap thanks
You may want to check with your water company and find out if the water is treated with chlorine or chloramine. Chloramine is relatively new and doesn't dissipate like chlorine does. Just ask them for a water analysis. Most companies are obligated to provide you with one free of charge.


:bigjoint:hey everyone,im still trying to figure out what route to take when watering. I know you need clean water for awhile I was going to use reg tap water,but then recently found out that that wouldnt be to good lol.Ive heard about reverse osmosis water fliters but those are like what? 200-300 dollars. then I went to the grocery store and looked at distilled water which is a dollar a gallon. I did that math out a whole grow would cost me like alot at 1 dollar a gallon 4 weeks veg 10 weeks flower. so im in a gridlock don't want to end up spending alot of money on something like water lol. Thanks in advance
Try boiling your water. Take an hour or so and prepare maybe like 10 gallons of boiled water. That will kill anything in the water, just not sure if it will kill the fluoride and chlorine additives :/


Yeh man, of course. Might at least help to some significant degree :)


Well-Known Member
hahaha yeah hey does it matter the temprature of the water use when I give itt to the plant
Yes it does, to cold an your gojnna shock the roots it's the same as you getting under a cold shower, if it's to warm then the water cant hold so much oxygen try and let your feed stand in the room so it finds its own temp