First timer and using bubbleponic


Active Member
Roseman or MC, will I have enough light using the Dual Spectrum II lights and topping a couple of times?


New Member
Depends on how big your plant gets and you can always use more lights especially in flower. Rose is a light addict! LOL! Me, I went from cfl only, to cfl and 250 watt HPS, to cfl, 250, and recently added a 400 hps so you got to wonder who's calling who an addict! LOL! More light, better production but on a first grow it's learning time. Side lights are also good to get the bud under the canopy to max out as best then can. HPS and MH cause heat problems so when you move in that direction you have to take that into consideration and that's why it's best to learn as you grow. I'd be looking around for some 2700k cfl's (warm white) in case you want to play with it as they go into flower. If finances are tight you can still get good bud on a first grow and lots of it.


Elite Rolling Society
I 'd suggest the addition of a couple of 42 warm white 2700K bulbs, two in a spliter, for the sides during Flowering. Expecially if you are going to let them get big.


Active Member
I 'd suggest the addition of a couple of 42 warm white 2700K bulbs, two in a spliter, for the sides during Flowering. Expecially if you are going to let them get big.
Are those more like the regular ones you get to put in a lamp, than the DS II's?


Well-Known Member
I use a 400w HID setup,but when they get big,like where im at now,ill add 2-105w. 4100K cfls. to the system to make sure the lower budspots are getting light..Proper reflection plays a major role in the lighting too.


Active Member
Day 17 - I added the rest of the 1/2 strength nutes, and all the girls have been topped. The new stems are coming out and it is getting fuller


New Member
Roots well into the res yet? How many nodes would it have if you didn't top? Just looking for the right time to give it some more nutes. The new growth from the top is a good sign.


Active Member
Roots well into the res yet? How many nodes would it have if you didn't top? Just looking for the right time to give it some more nutes. The new growth from the top is a good sign.
the roots are in the res. It would probably be on the 5th node coming in (slight possibility 6th). Monday I changed the water and added 1/2 nutes and late last night added the second half. The roots in the water are nice and white, but a little reddish/brown out of the water (a little worried about root rot) so I am trying to keep the res H2O a little cooler. But other than that everything look great


Active Member
Looking at a few of the ones I topped It looks like there is also a bit growing out of the old main stem. Did I FIM and is that going to give me 4 new stems instead of 2?


New Member
Sound like the plan to give them half and half is just right. Chances of root rot are minimal at best. What nutes are you using. I talk to so many I keep forgetting. LOL!

The topping does a lot and you may get lots of side growth from various spots including the stem. That what topping and fimming do. Plant sends all kinds of repair nutes to the site and things start growing everywhere. Fimming does produce more bud sites,exposes more of the plant to the light and you get an even canopy.


New Member
You'll get some color on the roots as they mature. If it smells fine, it is fine! Fresh lettuce smell if what you are looking for. I also sort of caress the roots and only if a lot of them break off in my hand would I have a problems.


New Member
And that is how you stay married for 35 years! Nothing has broken off her yet but I did bruise a rib or two in my early days! LOL! Just treat your plants like a woman you want to get in bed and everything is cool! Talk to them in the morning and ask them if it was good for them! Did I tell you my wife gave me my screen name? LOL!