Watering, how often and how much


im a newbie and need to know how to water. ill have 2x2x2 for the seedlings then 6" pot and last a 10" pot. so how often and how much and what about nutes, i got humboldt- grow, micro & bloom set up


Well-Known Member
Hey Bud welcome to RIU.
You really should water based on it's needs, a mosture meter would take all the guess work out, they are about $10 home depot/lowes and some walmarts carry em.
Sure a garden shed around ya has em, some have a built in ph probe that's nice too, I use one myself.
Or stick your finger about 3 inches down, if its still moist, then it's not time.
Your soil needs to dry out for your roots to breathe.


Well-Known Member
How much and how often you water depends on a few things. Temperature, humidity, soil composition, size of the plant, etc.

A moisture meter makes watering foolproof. Just stick the meter down into the soil (all the way to the bottom of the pot) and when it reads "dry" all the way through add some water!

My plants are in 10" pots (about 3 gallons) and get watered (2/3 of a cup) every 4 days or so. If I watered every other day like these other posters, my plants would drown.


Well-Known Member
How much and how often you water depends on a few things. Temperature, humidity, soil composition, size of the plant, etc.

A moisture meter makes watering foolproof. Just stick the meter down into the soil (all the way to the bottom of the pot) and when it reads "dry" all the way through add some water!

My plants are in 10" pots (about 3 gallons) and get watered (2/3 of a cup) every 4 days or so. If I watered every other day like these other posters, my plants would drown.
Excellent response, my pet peave is over-watering.

It can and will kill your plants, and you can't take it back. Moisture stress will slow growth, lock up nutes, cause root rot. A moisture meter will help you avoid all of this.

+rep for your excellent response!


Active Member
Glad I ran into this thread! I am using Sunshine Mix #4 soil (did not add anything) and using 3 gallon containers. I was recently schooled as to NOT to water everyday or even every other day in another thread here in RIU. :leaf:

So I went and got myself a moisture probe from my local hardware store. My question is...is it necessary for the probe to read completely dry before watering??? It has been approx. 5 days since my last watering and the probe still reads wet deep in the pot....but the top 2" layer is dry.

I'm thinking I will need to work on my soil mix on my next grow and perhaps add more perlite though I read Sunshine Mix #4 did not need anymore (come premix with perlite already).


How much and how often you water depends on a few things. Temperature, humidity, soil composition, size of the plant, etc.

A moisture meter makes watering foolproof. Just stick the meter down into the soil (all the way to the bottom of the pot) and when it reads "dry" all the way through add some water!

My plants are in 10" pots (about 3 gallons) and get watered (2/3 of a cup) every 4 days or so. If I watered every other day like these other posters, my plants would drown.
Excellent response, my pet peave is over-watering.

It can and will kill your plants, and you can't take it back. Moisture stress will slow growth, lock up nutes, cause root rot. A moisture meter will help you avoid all of this.

+rep for your excellent response!

ok, so how does a good meter cost
How do you flush your plants without over-watering them? I dont really understand that, giving them 3x the containers worth of water (9 gallons) compared to 2/3 a cup?!