My very First Grow


Active Member
I just started my very first grow ever after reading everything on this board. I am usuing 2x45 gallon rubbermaids stacked on top of each other. The light set-up I have 5x42 watt 5000k and 3x42 watt 3000k CFL ligths. I germinated 4 seeds 10 days ago and only 2 have popped. I have pictures just need to up load them to the computer so I can post them.

The biggest plant is looking really good. When should I start giving nutes to the plants that have popped?

Also what type of nutes should I get for vegging? I know I need high in nitrogen but what type/brand should I get.

Thanks and will have pictures in the next day or 2.


Well-Known Member
don't be too eager to start nuting them, partly depends on the soil you're using
the biggest source of dead seedlings is killing them with 'nute love'
they should be fine for a week in their starting soil, maybe much longer if the soil has nutes of its own


Well-Known Member
many here love the fox farm's nutes - you can order them online
i do my own organic brews - use a molasses/bone meal tea for flower, my soil seems to have enough nutes in it for veg


Active Member
Here are my pictures that I have taken so far. I put them in the solo cups on Monday so this is their 6th day in the box. I am think that they are looking good.

I germinated 4 but only 2 came out so I am hoping I have a female out of the 2. Also I germinated 2 more just to be on the safe side.

I am using African Violet Soil and so far no nutes since it is still early. So when should I be looking to start using nutes now that you see pictures?



Well-Known Member
i believe that soil has nutes in it - double check for the 'feeds for x months' on the label
if it does say that, don't add any nutes, you'll fry the plants from nute burn


Active Member
Yeah I will be using soil throughout the whole grow. Will check the bag but I am almost positive there are no nutes in it. Do you think everything so far is looking ok?

Ok I checked the bag and it says do not feed until after 30 days so I am not going to be feeding the plants any nutes.


Active Member
So 8 days since I have put them in the solo cup and one seems to be rocking. The other is a slow grower but still looking good.

When would you say is a good time to transplant them into something bigger? Maybe this weekend or a little later than that. Here are a few pictures that I just took. Also I want to LST or top them. Can you do both or is it one or the other?

I am trying to germinate 2 more seeds so I can have 4 plants in there instead of just 2.



Well-Known Member
So 8 days since I have put them in the solo cup and one seems to be rocking. The other is a slow grower but still looking good.

When would you say is a good time to transplant them into something bigger? Maybe this weekend or a little later than that. Here are a few pictures that I just took. Also I want to LST or top them. Can you do both or is it one or the other?

I am trying to germinate 2 more seeds so I can have 4 plants in there instead of just 2.
they do look pretty good, color is nice - weekend transplant sounds good
normally do LST or top - not sure if doing both would make sense


Well-Known Member
that's right on the edge for 'normal' plants - LST is safer, definitely large enough for LST
you might get by with topping, depends on the strain and how long you veg


Active Member
It has been 3 days since my last update and I think they are looking great. One of them is taking off big time I think. They were put in the soil 11 days ago.

I am going to be transplanting them this weekend. I have been watering them about every 2 to 3 days as well. No nutes have been given since the soil came with some.



Active Member
Well it has been two weeks since the plants have popped from seed. I can see the difference in the 2 plants now. One has a rounder leave as the other just looks different. They both were started at the same time and the size difference is huge. I forgot to label the seeds when i planted them so I am not forsure of the strain. I planted 3 different things.



Well-Known Member
looking pretty good lilmoez, things are locking in a bit
these are indica's alright, forget what that rounder pheno is supposed to mean


Active Member
looking pretty good lilmoez, things are locking in a bit
these are indica's alright, forget what that rounder pheno is supposed to mean
Thanks Growone. Everything is falling into place nicely. I germinated 2 more seeds in hope to have more females. I am looking to take a few clones of the females (if I get one or more) as well. I just read somewhere that 2 months for veg if from starting from seed is that true?


Well-Known Member
you can start 12/12 right from seed, veg as long as you like - 2 months though is good for large yield, you will need some good wattage to cover plants of those size


Well-Known Member
you may want to rethink how long you want to veg, it will depend on strain in part, but i don't think that's quite enough watts for plants that have vegged for 8 weeks - think you would end up with 5-6 foot plants