Male or Females?

Ok, so I was having a hard time getting good pics. and I know its almost to early to tell on a few of these.
I have 800watts HPS for 10 plants. I did 24 hours dark, and now i'm at 6 days 12/12. So I was really thinking I should know for sure by now. Let me know what you think. Male or Female.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Ok, so I was having a hard time getting good pics. and I know its almost to early to tell on a few of these.
I have 800watts HPS for 10 plants. I did 24 hours dark, and now i'm at 6 days 12/12. So I was really thinking I should know for sure by now. Let me know what you think. Male or Female.
1st and 3rd pic looks female the rest male


Well-Known Member
its hard to tell pic 1 is female pic 4 and 5 are males and cant tell about the other ones
thats what I was thinking. Luckily a few of the male pictures I posted are of the same plant. How long can I wait before I take them out, just to make sure they are dudes, before they start fucking my ladies? And why have a few not shown any signs of male or female a week after 12/12. how long will I have to wait?


Well-Known Member
1 says female
2 says most likely male if the pic was on a bit of a diferent angle id have been able to say more confidently

3 says you took some pics of stipules
4 says male
5 says male
6 says male

the ones that arent showing yet are liable to be female as males will generally show up earlier than females especially of the same strain

the shorter ones are liable to be female too

you said you had ten huh, not all hope is lost

peace out
Yeah picture 3 was of the stipules but I think there was hair on the back side. You are right with the better angle, you would have seen the balls on 2. So, with what you said, and with what little I know, I was thinking 6 females, and 4 males.


Well-Known Member
why not wait a lil bit longer and see?
srsly, man if it is male u have nothing to worry about for a while ne way,
personally id have 4, 5 and 6 pulled already


Well-Known Member
you could always take the males away and see if one of the males turns out to be a hermie. this pollen can be considered useful in upping female percentages of seeds if you pollinate with it.

though i try to stay away from the hermy trait period. there are only a couple ways i would really promote. ie Rhodelization and pollination of a true female.
sorry just had to throw that out there.

anyhoo ma fingers are crossed for the fems :)
