1st timer thought i was money need help


ok the plant was under a 60w plant light thats what the first pic is but i have since upgraded to 26w cfl 6500k i got 2 but i am only using one. i trans planted her last week. using some potting soil from the garage. ph is reading about 7 working on lowering it lil by lil. started feeding tomato plant neuts. any help??? is it my lighting i am guessing that is one problem. she looks bad. help me please.



Active Member
i would imagine it getting to much water or the lights arnt close enough, try upgrading to a t5 something that puts out at least 2000 lumens, or grow outside like me ;)


Well-Known Member
dont really know, but id let them dry out fully before watering, ive had water damage look like that very early on and yeah get that light as close as possible, but yeah if i had to guess one thing more than any of the others, heat stress


damn quick guys. thanks. heat stress from too close to the cfl??? i can grab that thing with my hand it is about 1 to 2 inches above the plant. i will try not watering it also. yea it is a lil stretched. any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
damn quick guys. thanks. heat stress from too close to the cfl??? i can grab that thing with my hand it is about 1 to 2 inches above the plant. i will try not watering it also. yea it is a lil stretched. any other ideas?
i dont think its heat stress it just looks over watered nute burn and stretched

keep tha light about an inch a way from tha plant and wait till the pot drys completely and cut bak on tha nutes a lil


Well-Known Member
its all good im still a lil new to im on my 2nd grow already but if u really wanna grow and stick to it ull be growin like a pro in no time


Well-Known Member
you can get those cfls pretty much as close to the plants without touching as you can just get a fan blowing on them to help dissipate the little heat they give off. heat stress will probably be caused by room temp and not by light if u are usin a few cfls. using how much your pot weighs when fully water compared to dry can be a good way to figure out when to water, i genrally just wait til the soil drys at the top and begin to pull away from the edge, practice makes perfect when knowing when to water. if you havnt watered for a few days and the plant begins to wilt it needs some water.

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
you can get those cfls pretty much as close to the plants without touching as you can just get a fan blowing on them to help dissipate the little heat they give off. heat stress will probably be caused by room temp and not by light if u are usin a few cfls. using how much your pot weighs when fully water compared to dry can be a good way to figure out when to water, i genrally just wait til the soil drys at the top and begin to pull away from the edge, practice makes perfect when knowing when to water. if you havnt watered for a few days and the plant begins to wilt it needs some water.

idk im startin to doubt what every one says about how cfls put off "low heat". im running 4 26w in a 50 gallon rubber maid for my veg room and the temps are in the 90s with fans and ventalation. CFL do get hot id say my flowering room stays cooler with a 150 hps then 4 cfls

but thats just my opinoion


update..... she is still sickly but i have noticed between the main stem and branches it looks like leaves coming out. any ideas. i have 2 new hatchlings that popped last night so that is good. i also went to home depot and got me 2 more cfls. i now have her under 4 6500k.



update..... didnt water for 3 days. gave her a lil water last night and this morning i noticed brown spots along the leaves???? but the new growth between the main stalk and leaves looks good. what should i do with the shit leaves leave them??? i am going to get some fox farm soil today and transplant her and quit messing around lol.


ok new update. here is what the plant looks like after transplanting in ff soil and giving some neuts. looks a million times better i would say

