Strongest Strain Known To Man?

the northern lights strains are the strongest, thats where all the breeders get the strenghth crossed into their strains, the strongest strain in the world N/Lights,
Best strain in the world!!!!


Honestly though, I've heard that the Willie Nelson is some fire
that will have ya sitting sideways on your chrome dome!
It's a sativa too,.......
i know whats on my list!
The best (strongest) I've ever had was some Accupulco Gold. It was pure sativia and might not have been the highest in THC content but a toothpick sized (I'm not exaggerating) sure fucked up 5 hippies!!! We were at work and smoked at first break and stayed fucked up all day; we were laughing our asses off at everything. The guys laughed at me when I broke out that tiny little joint and we all got one little hit off of it but it sure made believers out of them and they talked about that for years.
i dont know what your on about,, the best weed .. well thats CHEESE..

but not the fake stuff you get from seed companies .. you can not seed true cheese it is only avalible through cuttings and if your lucky enough to come across some ...enjoy....

blue cheese is very nice aswell
I have an ounce of some Willy Weed at the house right now. I dont know what strain it is or what but, god damn. My wife and I sat on the couch and laughed for 3 hrs last night at nothing.
I think the most potent is Ice... The best weed i ever smoked is NYD in A'dam.
Noon's Blueberry is a very good strain..
i can figure it out for ya but ill have to have a few samples,,,1/2 a pound or so should work.
Believe it or not i wish i could send you some and i wish i had enough space to grow enough to share.
If it was not illegal i would be happy to send you 1/2 a pound even though i know you would only smoke it all and then say"yeah dude that got loads of thc percent and shit lol".
I would still love to see you wasted on my weed hehehehe:mrgreen:

On a serious does anyone know if there is any kind of testing kit or what goes into testing thc percentages?
Is it just the extracted thc crystal weight versus the left over dry weight wet weight?
There are test kits that you can buy it costs around 85 pounds for an 8 test kit. You only need a small amount of plant material to use the test i think its about 1/100 of a gram or something silly.

Have a look for cannalyze or cannalyse.
There are test kits that you can buy it costs around 85 pounds for an 8 test kit. You only need a small amount of plant material to use the test i think its about 1/100 of a gram or something silly.

Have a look for cannalyze or cannalyse.
Damn the 85 pounds just to know that,i appreciate the info though ngt, cheers.
I cant see the test as even being very accurate really though.
I have seen many plants that could have many more crystals on one little bit than another bit from the same plant so i cant see this as being an accurate test anyway unless the whole plant was measured as one bit might be better than another bit:blsmoke:
from what i read in soft secrets about it the thc is determined early on, its more about its genetic structure.
So its a genetic test kit and not an actual content test,i get it.
Thats sounds a lot more accurate,maybe one day i will get one,but 85 quid is in short supply at the moment:cry: