Garden Knowm
The Love Doctor
woody got real hostile with me once... but I still love HIM....
woody got real hostile with me once... but I still love HIM....
Our current standard of living, and the very ability to grow premium Buds indoors, any time of year, comes to us largely due to this dread profit motive.
Been broke, Never had a lot of money! The scenario Woody talks about is about 300 years behind. The deteriation of the landscape started in the 1500s and gradually got worse untll the 1800s when it really took a turn for the worse with the advent of the steam locomotive, It's been on a downhill race ever since, although woody presented a nice sililoquy, the conviences we now enjoy would be hard to give up! I could name a thousand of them and after trying to find my favorite, came up with the venerable SBC. If you don't know what that is then you're not too smart, but don't fret, you've got plenty of company!I've had a lot of money and I've been broke a lot too. Take it from me ... having a lot of money is much better than being broke.
Well as I surmised, you didn't know what SBC was, at least my definition, Maybe your not dumb, just ignorant. My definition of SBC is Small Block Chevy. Now you know. I'm sure a cranial dude like you knows not of such common things, but I am so glad to be expanding your world!lol med thats funny. I have SBC also, they connect my PC to yours. lol why post something and gloat about the fact that not alot of people understand what it is? where is the knowledge or wisdom in that? -devil's advocate
Wow a car guy on the site. I thought it was nothing but nerds, for they abound here! Anytime pal I'll raise you a 550 hp 62 deuce. Tell you what, I'll spot you an 1/8th of a mile and race you for the 1/4, no thats a bit generous, how about 15 car lengths.~LOL~I see your small block and raise you the monte ss sitting in my driveway lol
You may be right. I knew about ford but I remember a race team with corvettes, and It might not have been le-mans, but they went to beat up ferrari. I know Shelby got em with the 427 side oiler (a race version for sure), good old American V-8 gas gussling muscle. God I loved those days,open headers on the streets of Henderson going to the race track, 104 octane gas for 36 cents a gallon, regular was 29, fast cars and loose women, growing up in the 50s was a ball. We used to drive 120MPH on every open stretch of road cuz there was no speed limit, and the cops wouldn't stop ya unless you were driving erratically, hell we all were driving erratically at 120! Those cars didn't have the suspension to be safe at 120Don't you remember when the corvettes trounced the ferraris at Le-mons
med, if my memory serves me correctly, sometimes don't due to the E I have taken, a vet never beat a fer at le Mons. that is why the Ford GT was invented. no one could beat the italians at the race. when it was brought out, it dominated and was so aptly named the ferrari eater
had a 49 merc myself, was a real pile. Im not saying your was, there were a lot of nice ones, but mine was crapola, wouldn't do 85 down the Baker grade with a tail wind!Yep, my bud and I were coming home from hunting in the desert and I passed a Highway Patrol officer in my '49 Merc coup at 105 mph ... with open side pipes (lakers). He didn't bat an eye.
money is the root of all evil. for more infomatition please send $9.95. lolMoney is the root of all evil ... so here's rootin'...!~!