You mean he used to sell bud straight out of his store until some baked out of his mind idiot posted about it on the internet for all to see and got him busted.
You should at least go warn him he probably has trouble on the way due to your openly posting this.
Go do it right now. Be a man and do the right thing. Delete your post ASAP and I will delete mine, maybe we can stop it in time.
I know you were probably just too baked to think, just fix it please.
WOW dry sniching
1. dry snitching To indirectly tell secrets or offenses to a person of authority or any person meant to be kept away from a secret or offense, sometimes inadvertently.
If the telling of secrets or offenses is purposeful, minute details are usually left out as not to appear to be directly telling.
It is indirectly
"I see this offensive picture is still up. I recall other member's being banned for posting such a thing."
"I see this offensive picture is still up. I recall other member's being banned for posting such a thing."
This person is dry snitching on the person that posted the offensive picture. The person is not directly named (a minute detail) and a direct action is not actually being suggested.
"Stop dry snitching. You are going to get him banned"
get this def on a mug
snitching snitch weasel snake dry snitch tattle-tail informer informant
Busyman Oct 3, 2005
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2. Dry Snitching javascript:void(0)To explain how something works that, by nature, is not supposed to be explained but rather understood or experienced. A practice most commonly used in a number of rap lyrics. Basically tellin on yourself and others while trying to show out or look cool.
ex #1 "I can go to _______ and get you _______ for about $_______... but don't tell nobody."
ex #2- "If you got what I need then set it up. I don't wanna hear about. Don't tell me nothin except when you can get me what what I need and what you need in return because otherwise you are guilty of DRY SNITCHING!"