Is it time for harvest??/ (pics)


Active Member
Hello all, i need some input as to whether its time to harvest. the plants been in the budding for 6 weeks and is looking pretty good in my opinion, but i am a newbie. Would it be possible to harvest it yet???
Lately, ive become worried about security and other sketchy occurences with people so i really would like to harvest as soon as possible...anyone have some input as to what i should do. thanksss.



Well-Known Member
if you are that sketched out, i'd go ahead and harvest. Either way you will have smokable product in the end. You say they've been flowering for 6 weeks and from the picture it doesn't look to be a strong sativa so they should finish up in 8/9 weeks.


Well-Known Member
get a microscope 10x or better and check the trichs, looks like it can stand another 2 or more weeks, but, if its for security it looks good enough. Really NICE PLANT BTW. What kind is that?


Well-Known Member
heres an updated picture that i took yesterday
i am no expert and i am still learning but it looks like you can see amber trichs on the leaves ..............................i would take the chance and harvest now if was me :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I like to cut fairly early, i like the high it gives you compared to letting her go for another week or two. Like everyone else tho, sick fuckin plant, the trichomes developed nicely. Definately resembles strawberry cough thats fo sho.. Hopefully you have been flushing already and have harvested! keep us posted