
i was using a shitty thermometer cuz i didnt have money to buy a digital one and everytime i planted sprouts they would pop up out of the ground and then stop growing, i guess because it was too hot(this happened like 3 times in the past week and a half). i got a digital thermometer the other day and it turns out the box was right around 92 degrees and the piece of shit thermometer i was using said it was only about 85 at most so i moved the pc for better ventilation and installed an extra exhaust fan and its now at 84 degrees with only 1 26 watt cfl, that should be enough to get 2 sprouts going but idk what im gonna do about the temp because i know if i turn on more than one bulb that the temp will be higher than 86

...... sorry for not updating recently, iv been frustrated with this whole temp situation. i cant wait for winter to get here so i wont have to worry about it anymore. will post pictures tomorrow if i can

oh yeah and i was gonna ask... do u think the temp problem might be because i dont have the entire box lined with foil or would that have nothing to do with it?
and i was also thinking about buying a 50 watt hps bulb for my box, i didnt know u could use them for vegging and flowering, iv been reading up on them for the past couple days...