Flowering Plants are Dying Away

Okay, I grow outside. and it gets around on average 80-94 around this time of year. I have two plants in ocean forest soil 8" buckets... I use BLOOM nutes and they worked great for me during the veg phase... I also used epsom salt, aquashield, and hygrozyme in my nutrient solutions.... I did half of what the bottle said and like before this worked amazingly for the veg phase. But once the flowering began and I started using the BLOOM flowering line including roots, ultra, sweet, coco ab, and the same other stuff that i added to the veg nutes.... But within two days after changing the nutrients the leaves started yellowing rapidly and quickly began dying away.... Right now almost all the visible leaves are drooping like non other... The flowers are still holding up....But all the death around them makes me nervous.... I added in yesterday BLOOM's CAL-MAG and ph'd the water before adding nutrients to 6.1. I dont see any improvement. I also just wait until the soil looks dry until I water them. So one gallon of solution for two 8'' pots lasts me about a day or two... It's just really puzzling... Im thnking about going back to the veg nutes because they had responded so well to those before....
bummer man! sounds like your babies need a break from the nutrients. try flushing them by using water only and then check the pH of the run-off that comes out the bottom of your 8" containers. don't go back to the veg nutes just yet, just give them plain water for the next three or four feedings. they really only need to be fed the nutes every 3 or 4 waterings anyway, more than that will cause nute burn even if you're using half strength. keep your head up, it sounds like your harvest will turn out fine if you let up on the nutes. hopefully some others will chime in with some more advice.

good luck!

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
"and ph'd the water before adding nutrients to 6.1" why don't you ph the water after you add nutrients? the nutes themselves can have a great big change on the ph of your water. if thats not the problem then you should give them a big ol flush
"and ph'd the water before adding nutrients to 6.1" why don't you ph the water after you add nutrients?
I was told by my local hydro guy that the my nutrients (all being organic) won't affect the pH and that the water should only be adjusted before adding the nutes... Something about them having pH buffers...But I'll pH it to 6 after the adding the nutrients and see if they respond well.... I also have been foliar feeding with distilled water, BLOOM Cal-Mag, and BLOOM's Groigen foliar spray..... But once they took a turn for the worst, I cut out the foliar feeding for a week....

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
all right. whoa. first off i use forest soil from fox farms. i'm 99% sure that required ph for that medium is best at 6.5. most soil grows require a ph of 6.2-6.8...6.5 being optimal. secondly, why are you foliar spraying? especially with nutes? foliar spraying is MOST beneficial when the plants are in the early vegging stages not when flowering has been induced. you can cause bud rot and light damage to your plants


Active Member
I was told by my local hydro guy that the my nutrients (all being organic) won't affect the pH and that the water should only be adjusted before adding the nutes... Something about them having pH buffers...But I'll pH it to 6 after the adding the nutrients and see if they respond well.... I also have been foliar feeding with distilled water, BLOOM Cal-Mag, and BLOOM's Groigen foliar spray..... But once they took a turn for the worst, I cut out the foliar feeding for a week....

Yeah cut the foliar feeding. I just think your trying to do too much for these gals. Hell I planted a few outside and just recently went to check on them and they are AWESOME. Just through in a few dead fish in a hole and some perlite/vermiculite and a bit of soil. ;-)
I havnt touched them or watered them ALL SEASON! We are having a great grow season here but we usally don't.
Yea I'm really not sure what's going on... the plants just keep getting worse...I think there is probably a problem in the rootsystem because the soil hasnt dried out even though its been 95+ here the last few days.... It used to dry up before 4 o clock if I had watered them in the morning... Possibly root rot, so I'm not really sure what to do...Flushing seems like the only left option....


Active Member
Yea I'm really not sure what's going on... the plants just keep getting worse...I think there is probably a problem in the rootsystem because the soil hasnt dried out even though its been 95+ here the last few days.... It used to dry up before 4 o clock if I had watered them in the morning... Possibly root rot, so I'm not really sure what to do...Flushing seems like the only left option....

Oh yeah flush away man I did a few times in my first grow no problem didnt stunt the plants at all but what I think might be the issue is your only in an 8" pot... how biag are your plants? mine are smaller and they are in a 3 gal (12") pot... they are busting out of them and should really be in a 5 gal pot minimum.

P.S. When you flush run 3 times the pot size worth of water through the soil. MAKE SURE it's the correct PH and it sat out for minimum 24hr so its de'clorinated. I wouldnt hesitate one moment to flush them. you start over fresh.

P.P.S. Stop foliar feeding and how often do you water your plants and what is your nute schedule? We also need to see some pics!
Mother nature has been kind to me and it started raining tonight and is supposed to continue for the nect 3 days.... I'm just propping the buckets up so that they can drain with all the rainfall.I dont want pools of water forming under the buckets... I'll keep you posted....
These plants are dead.... Beyond recovery I'm afraid.... Mother nature has been raining non stop for 4 days now and will not stop for a few days atleast....the soil is water logged...and half or more of each plant is completely brown and decayed...I don't know how each plant died so quickly so rapidly...but it was only two ditchweed plants but still... I'm preparing for the spring for when I plan to improve my outdoor setup....