How do you people like you steak?!

How do you like your steak?!

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Steak temps go as follows...
Rare, mid rare, medium raw, medium, mid well, medium well, Well done.

Real foodies are fucking picky about temps. I worked high dinning and people would send back a whole stake if it came back medium rare and not mid rare...Silly.

Personally I like my steaks medium rare (depending on the cut) so cuts you need to eat medium because otherwise it's too tough. For bone-in porterhouse and NY strip I like my steaks medium. Something like a skirt steak I like more towards medium.

Oddly I've noticed from years of working as a server that most black folk like their food burnt (beyond well done). Strange I say.
For me it really depends on the steak place I choose to go to, I will order anything between Rare and Medium Well depending on the quality and reputation of the particular place.

There's this private diner place in south Hollywood that does a breakfast steak like no other, in which case I order it rare, pardon my saying but his spiced up chuck blood juice provides a taste of legendary proportions. The right spice of blood juice is very important for me. Blahblabnetrambblnetrambble lmao

Now I want some dammit......why did I have to see this thread??!!! lol
A really good steak - Medium Rare.
Any other steak - Medium.

I only get really good steaks a few times a year so I voted Medium cause it is what I eat most.
I consider a new york strip to be the finest cut. The only way to upgrade that is to get choice instead of prime. Then dry aged over wet. :wink:
I like it as raw as i can get them to cook it. I even order my hamburgers rare if they will do it. i know it's a lil risky but so good. Favorite steak....hmmmmmm.........Porterhouse or filet minon.

Cracker, Whats the difference between the two methods of aging. Dry/wet? I'm unfamiliar with how they do it. probably a dumb question but.........
Not a dumb question at all. It's the same with weed. wet curing is faster but takes away some of the subtlety of the smoke. Air curing takes longer, but makes a better product.

Same with beef. When they dry cure the meat.... they need to cut off the outermost layer when done... this raises the price of the beef upwards. But the taste!! Now some ppl don't like it, because the strength of the taste is not something they are used to. My wife likes beef, but thinks rib eye and prime rib are too "meaty" (whatever that means :lol:) She does NOT like air cured beef.
fat and tube shaped.
Sorry thats the kind of Steak My girl likes.

I prefer My Steak Medium, Off the Grill and some A-1 sauce. MMmm
Medium or Medium Well. I had a kidney transplant so I need to worry about my foods being done enough.

I won't touch anything that has blood readily visible. Ew.