Does a pollenated female become hermaphrodite

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nope, not a true female. sorry. :eyesmoke:

other than the chemicals.

so your tryna say that you cant stress out a true female to turn hermi other then the 2 known chemicals i stated earlier? wow tell me your joking bro. and im sure it does very strain to strain but it can be done. either on purpose or accident


New Member
so your tryna say that you cant stress out a true female to turn hermi other then the 2 known chemicals i stated earlier? wow tell me your joking bro. and im sure it does very strain to strain but it can be done. either on purpose or accident

fdd does not have time to joke.
he tells the truth 100% and i am sure he has more important things to do than argue with your case or mine.
i have total admiration for fdd and the advice he gives and he does a super job and is always on the case(no bull).
fdd does an exellent job here on rollitup and that should never be disputed or argued with.
he works very long hours and for what ????? users trying to bring him down.
it will never happen.



Well-Known Member
so your tryna say that you cant stress out a true female to turn hermi other then the 2 known chemicals i stated earlier? wow tell me your joking bro. and im sure it does very strain to strain but it can be done. either on purpose or accident
no, i am not joking. they call it "stable genetics". :eyesmoke:

if it is done then the plant you are working with carries hermy traits. it's that simple. :)


no, i am not joking. they call it "stable genetics". :eyesmoke:

if it is done then the plant you are working with carries hermy traits. it's that simple. :)

lol really fdd even though they are f4s huh and it never happend untill that fucker grew into the light.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Does a pollinated female become hermaphrodite
im having an argument with someone.. he says that if you put a plant that has been pollinated and is growing seeds next to a female plant it will pollinate the female plant. He's saying the pollinated female that is growing seeds will become hermaphrodite. how stupid is this guy??
back the the OP simple Q:......a female plant that has been pollinated has no effect over other females .


i just wanted to add that when you add gibberellic acid, a hormone that is naturally occuring in plants, but in its purified form is harmfull to not only humans but also to plants untill they develop a tolerence to it. thus meaning it stresses a plant like a true female to becoming a man made hermi. now think about the first feminized seeds..... prolly a dutchman since the lax laws right. he prolly fuck up somehow and got a hermi threw anything but genetics heat stress what ever the case was he found that when he made a hermi threw stress and pollinated another true female it created fem. seeds. now imagine how many diffrent substances he tried to use to make that happen again. you know gib. acid wasnt the first, because its expensive and kinda hard to get right. so threw trial and error he found out what works best. THE KEYWORD HERE IS BEST LIKE ALL THE TIME, NOT THE ONLY PROVEN WAY THOUGH. like i said i know from experiance it can be done. im not just mimicing what i read from a book i know wtf im talking about. and it takes a lot of enviormental stress to make a true female a hermi. a good example of that again {what happend to me} would be if a plant grew into a hot light and got badly burnt to the point it looked like a stick with some shrivled leaves on it.


Well-Known Member
all fdd is trying to explain is that even if you have a hermie that has VERY weak hermie traits, and under fairly stable conditions wont show those hermie traits, but under the extreme stress you are talking about, burnt lights, light schedule fluctuations, ect, will hermie, it is still a hermie..

whether or not it stays 100% female for 97% of the grow, but hermies on its own from stress or by itself, it is a hermie...

a true female will ONLY produce pollen sacs through chemical induction... no amount of environmental stress will or can make a "true female" produce pollen..

you are probably right with the idea that some breeder threw a hermie in with some females and realized you can eliminate "pure males" this way... and that the stronger the female trait, the less likely the seeds were to produce hermies, although you would still get a few hermie seeds and the hermie trait was carried down... but that ultimately if you took a "true female" and chemical induced pollen sacs, with G.A or C.S.. the pollen contained would only produce "true females" because the hermie trait was/is non existent in them.... thus producing truely femenized seeds...

and your right... G.A is harmful.. but C.S isnt at all... i would assume that C.S is more of a standard now...

and lastly.. in nature, if there is a patch of females around one another, with no males present, it is possible for one or more of those females to actually produce pollen and release it as a means to ensure survival... this is mother nature's handy work... just the need to survive.. although, with true females, i think evolution of the plant would need to occur.. left alone, except to pollinate with more true female pollen until the plant adapted and "evolved", i would think true females would start doing this.. could very well be wrong tho...


all fdd is trying to explain is that even if you have a hermie that has VERY weak hermie traits, and under fairly stable conditions wont show those hermie traits, but under the extreme stress you are talking about, burnt lights, light schedule fluctuations, ect, will hermie, it is still a hermie..

whether or not it stays 100% female for 97% of the grow, but hermies on its own from stress or by itself, it is a hermie...

a true female will ONLY produce pollen sacs through chemical induction... no amount of environmental stress will or can make a "true female" produce pollen..

you are probably right with the idea that some breeder threw a hermie in with some females and realized you can eliminate "pure males" this way... and that the stronger the female trait, the less likely the seeds were to produce hermies, although you would still get a few hermie seeds and the hermie trait was carried down... but that ultimately if you took a "true female" and chemical induced pollen sacs, with G.A or C.S.. the pollen contained would only produce "true females" because the hermie trait was/is non existent in them.... thus producing truely femenized seeds...

and your right... G.A is harmful.. but C.S isnt at all... i would assume that C.S is more of a standard now...

and lastly.. in nature, if there is a patch of females around one another, with no males present, it is possible for one or more of those females to actually produce pollen and release it as a means to ensure survival... this is mother nature's handy work... just the need to survive.. although, with true females, i think evolution of the plant would need to occur.. left alone, except to pollinate with more true female pollen until the plant adapted and "evolved", i would think true females would start doing this.. could very well be wrong tho...
most of the shit you said i can agree with esp the last. i have had that happen to certain strains that i flowerd for too long. prolly put out a male flower to pollinate itself to ensure survival. trust me when i tell my strain is stabilized and does not carry hermi traits. like i said i never h ad a problem untill the light thing happend and theese are 4th generation seeds. and it only happend to that one burn badly plant and no other one.


just wanted to add that a true genetic hermi will show his nutts no matter how ideal your grow enviorment is, and the real shame is you me and fdd have a good grasp on wtf were talking about some more then others but be that has it may luda has no room to talk in this debate because all he does is copy and paste shit from online. shit that he doesnt even understand or can explaine, and the sad part is people are giving him rep for copying and pasting shit like he knows wtf he is talking about. that pisses me off bro


Well-Known Member
i think the biggest point that fdd was trying to make is that regardless of how deep the hermie trait is buried in a strain, and how unlikely that strain is to express that trait, if it is not a chemical inducing that makes the females in that strain show pollen sacs, then that strain itself has some hermie traits... they are just well buried.. and is a very stable strain.. but non the less the plant is a hermie...

calling it a stressed hermie is ok imo, as long as the implication is not that it was a female that turned hermie, but rather a very stable hermie that was stressed into expressing its hermie traits... and if you have a strain like that very nice job at breeding it... producing a strain that has to really be pushed to show its hermie traits is a great thing, and nothing to be ashamed of... especially if you bred it out on your own.. i am sure after a few more generations you may be able to breed out the hermie trait all together..


i think the biggest point that fdd was trying to make is that regardless of how deep the hermie trait is buried in a strain, and how unlikely that strain is to express that trait, if it is not a chemical inducing that makes the females in that strain show pollen sacs, then that strain itself has some hermie traits... they are just well buried.. and is a very stable strain.. but non the less the plant is a hermie...

calling it a stressed hermie is ok imo, as long as the implication is not that it was a female that turned hermie, but rather a very stable hermie that was stressed into expressing its hermie traits... and if you have a strain like that very nice job at breeding it... producing a strain that has to really be pushed to show its hermie traits is a great thing, and nothing to be ashamed of... especially if you bred it out on your own.. i am sure after a few more generations you may be able to breed out the hermie trait all together..

i understand well what fdd was tryna say for one, and im not ashamed of my strain im the first person in the world to breed it to my knolidge you wont find sour d crossed to bubba for sale. f.y.i. i got the bubba kush seeds from b.o.g. off in 2004 i beleave, and the sour d came from a bomb ass breeder from the west coast to i think he was from socal. once again i assure you this strain is not or does not carry a hermi trait, because if it obviously did i would have bred it out of it. but there is no need to since it dont. and its been fun debating with you and fdd because you guys ave a better grasp of wtf is going on moreso then ludacriss who just copies and pastes and talks shit out his ass


Well-Known Member
Sorry to jack this thread but I am very interested in breeding and hope to do it some day. What does F1, F2 etc. mean. I've read about it but it wasn't really explained very well.bongsmilie


Sorry to jack this thread but I am very interested in breeding and hope to do it some day. What does F1, F2 etc. mean. I've read about it but it wasn't really explained very well.bongsmilie

ask luda im sure he can copy and paste something up for you. lol


f1 is your first cross and f2s are your next cross of 2 f1 hybrids it gets confusing i know


So what is better an F1 or an F4? Not necessarily for breeding but for bud production.

ok fuck it ill break it down. lets say i crossed a sour d to a bubba kush wich i did the seedlings are called f1s ok. then i crossed a male sour kush to a female sour kush thats an f2 and so on. the more crosses to itself i do the more uniform the plants get. there pretty much like clones in that sense.

but.... sometimes when you cross to many times or inbreed the plants can grow mutantish or have problems i havent experianced that yet. in that case you would wanna do an outcross , or a backcross


Well-Known Member
ok fuck it ill break it down. lets say i crossed a sour d to a bubba kush wich i did the seedlings are called f1s ok. then i crossed a male sour kush to a female sour kush thats an f2 and so on. the more crosses to itself i do the more uniform the plants get. there pretty much like clones in that sense
I understand that but what is the advantage of say an F1 as opposed to an F4 or vice versa?


I understand that but what is the advantage of say an F1 as opposed to an F4 or vice versa?

ok got u f1's usually have more of what i like to call "hybrid vigor' meaning they grow strong and fast, but more phenos are expressed wich can be good or bad it depends. the f4s are gonna be much more similer in height yield everything unlike the f1s


Well-Known Member
ok got u f1's usually have more of what i like to call "hybrid vigor' meaning they grow strong and fast, but more phenos are expressed wich can be good or bad it depends. the f4s are gonna be much more similer in height yield everything unlike the f1s
O.K. Thanks man.
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