
Well-Known Member
Post not proven! Unless you have some extra receptors hiding around somewhere... its not possible! and tripping on shrooms for 12hrs + is? Come one bro.... open up your gullible mind and seek sources that'll tell you otherwise.




OR just ask SHEPJ?

Your words just become more and more rotten as you speak!
haha.. ok man you know everything. hey everyone its Dr.danger here to save the day whooooo hoooo!!!

i dont have to read that shit to prove you wrong. i already know you are cuz ive tripped and rolled longer than u think is possible.. maybe its not possible for you, must suck being like that. like i said everyone is different. you need to open ur mind up a bit more and think about what ur saying..


Well-Known Member
a little less then 2 days off 4 blotters of acid. was cool for the first 12 hours or so but after a day and a half i just wanted to sleep but couldnt
yeah, that wasn't acid. the same thing happened to me where i got some ridiculous blotter and it turned out to be DOB. shit lasted for what seemed like forever.


Active Member
5 days straight with little food, no sleep, and a lot of methamphetamine. Around the 3rd day I started going crazy from starvation. Hallucinations caused from not eating, not sleeping, and being to doped up. Ended up sleeping a day and a half straight. I had my mind about me though. I wasn't going to go out and kill people like the media portrays meth bingers af becoming psychotic after using it and staying up on it for days. Nothing like that at all.

As far as a psychedelic substance trip, I would say around 16 hours on shrooms.
normally wouldnt consider thsi tripping but ive heard that in high high amounts you start seeing things...but i mean you could meth for months eating drinking and everything without having any type of trip effects

on the post about how long mdma lasts...i noticed that if you have experience and/or tolerance with meth or other related chemicals since meths thhe major component of mdma that it will have mmuch less of a desired effect.

I think the longest I tripped is like 14 hours on a few tabs of acid...idk how long exactly or how many but ive taken more tabs since then its all about 12 hours before you start coming down for me


Well-Known Member
normally wouldnt consider thsi tripping but ive heard that in high high amounts you start seeing things...but i mean you could meth for months eating drinking and everything without having any type of trip effects

on the post about how long mdma lasts...i noticed that if you have experience and/or tolerance with meth or other related chemicals since meths thhe major component of mdma that it will have mmuch less of a desired effect.

I think the longest I tripped is like 14 hours on a few tabs of acid...idk how long exactly or how many but ive taken more tabs since then its all about 12 hours before you start coming down for me
It is very true that if you have prolonged use of methamphetamine that the effects of mdma could be substantially altered.. since the dopamine action has been blunted by excessive speed use... the magic of mdma is caused by the flooding of dopamine... if you ever notice when a tab of mdma has a bit of caffeine or some amphetamine in it... it gives the expereince a mighty boost and may even prolong the rolling experience.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
The magic of MDMA is the serotonin release. It does cause dopamine and a few other chemicals to be flooded into the system but the serotonin is what causes the true "roll" and why it is so short as you dont have much in your brain. Any residual effects are from other chemicals that were released and also possibly a bit of mental.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Im gonna do shrooms a few times this summer. But in octobor ive got ticket sto go and see Shpongle at roundhouse ( amazing soundsystem and near perfect acoustics one of my favourite venues ) Im thinking of doing shrooms there, it will be the first time ive done it at concert or whatever. Im thinking maybe very small does level 1 + adreniline and stuff should be good?
If you dont know them, google em - psychadelic, goa-psychill bit of ethnic . Love it.

NICE shrooms are the way to see shpongle. I love shpongle and have listened for around 8 years and have seen them a few times. Gone on acid, x, shrooms but I think shpongle is best with shrooms.....and I'm more of an acid person. For amount to take, I'd say 1.5-2 grams if around 150 lbs. Maybe more of like 2.5-3.5 if 220+ lbs. That's also if they're cubensis, the most common mushrooms to find and grow. If they're some azure's, cyan's, or pan's then probably like a 1-1.5 and 2-2.5


Well-Known Member
I have had pan's and cyanescens homegrown... and those are some potent visual shrooms ;)

I sort of disagree you on the part that serontonin provides the true magic to the roll... look as mdai... its solely a serontonin releaser... no amphetamines whatsoever and it lacks the magic... purely empathogenic... but no ultimate bang or peak!


Well-Known Member
In addition, I think every compound has a sweet spot or tolerance level that diminishes in magic over a time... its like sex... it becomes repetitive and mundane after a while... once you experience something... the next time your more familiar with the sensations... and your brain knows how to intergrate the experience. In every true sense I believe I have lost the magic that mdma has to offer... eventhough I would stop for a year... I believe the ultimate euphoria will still be lacking. Therefore, never consume ecstasy on a weekly basis... after a month or to.... you need more and the high is still not the same in increased dosages.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I agree with you in the diminished effects over time man. Senior year of HS and the 2 years after me and my friends were kinda roll fiends. Thank god I fell in love with acid as I don't like doing it all the time, usually like once a month but would roll 1-3 times a week with the occasional month off. But yeah, I chased the dragon on X for a while and even after a year of not doing it, trying it again at higher amounts did not do the same effects as the first few times. It was on saved molly from the batch that did me the best. There is also the fact that the chemicals in your brain that give you the effects fluctuate often. Excercise, sleep, good food, etc. can help you hold higher levels of these chemicals. But with the serotonin.... I thought that is what really does it on MDMA, it releases other chemicals too but other methamphetamines don't do the same release of serotonin, that is why MDMA is so different. I've been researching this for years and that's what I always came up with so I'd really appreciate it if you could find some links to show me otherwise as I am always trying to better understand the things I do.

P.S. Don't give me Wiki links, anyone can write anything on there

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Little addition, it's the mix of the serotonin and dopamine that does it truly. But the empathy, euphoria, sensations are serotonin and the energy and power from the amphetamine I think are dopamine


Well-Known Member
Little addition, it's the mix of the serotonin and dopamine that does it truly. But the empathy, euphoria, sensations are serotonin and the energy and power from the amphetamine I think are dopamine
You provided some good information there! Im not discrediting what you're saying... it is very much true that serontonin is unique compared to other neurotransmitters... dopamine and GABA tranmitters are widely spread around the brain... as serontonin in find in minute amounts in the pineal gland and digestive tract... its a mood stabilizer sort of transmitters. In sense, mdma is neurotoxic as it interplays between axons of serontonin and dopamine... however this could be combatted with vitamin B6, 5-HTP, ASCORBIC ACID.... IT depends on how much is taken... the more speed in a pill the worse it is mentally/physically... serontonin has the ability to be replenished!

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Aight thanks man. I now know I need to do some more research on serotonin and dopamine. Just wish I took some classes on it in College but now I'm only on the CIS track. Not too many gen eds at DeVry


Well-Known Member
The criminal justice field?

My girlfriend is actually majoring in criminal justice in the FBI UNIT.. and minoring in accounting...

I have done extensive research on serontonin and certain drugs that alter its effects... food in basics is one big amino acid chain that supplies the production of serontonin... the reaction or joy we get from food in turn is from dopamine.


Well-Known Member
So Psyches and Chronic... did you see my earlier post about the false claim that you cant roll for 8hrs... or trip on shrooms for 12hrs... ? Do you agreet with me?