Well-Known Member
I be haveta do sum research ... never heard of anything like that ....
yea its fukin English ....
ok ....
maybe a little hard to understand. But its all good
... espcially your girls ! Walk on!!~~~~
this der dat is der dat da schnitzel!well its not like im doing massive slugs of big bud powder hahahaa its a new research chemical aint been classified yet, they whomever 'they' may be are proclaiming it the saviour of clubland etc etc drug hype shite...
but if you like mdma and you like coke, youll love 4mmc or MEOW as it seems to be called lol like your first E but without being confused its a very clear high only down side is youll be awake for days. but theres no comedown... thats right NONE not even a hint of feeling a bit ropey. £10 a gram from the interwebz ffs

cheers mayne, I love the resin production of the cheese and the smell and taste hmm cheese