First Grow,CFL's With Bagseed--PICS


Well-Known Member
ALL that is really required is a love of his/her plant. I can tell you have that.You'll do fine. dont forget, everyone makes mistakes, how fast you remedy those mistakes, determines your experience


Active Member
ALL that is really required is a love of his/her plant. I can tell you have that.You'll do fine. dont forget, everyone makes mistakes, how fast you remedy those mistakes, determines your experience

Great words!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes Great words! Those are the bulbs that I have.(the 100watt eq.) KK Im going to lower them now! Ill just keep my box open for the night. Plus my night cycle isint at night,should I switch it around or is it to late in the grow?


Well-Known Member
KK I just went and moved them about 1.5-2 inches above the plants. was barely warm on my hand. No where near hott though.



Well-Known Member
Although its not hot to you, trust me, your plant feels otherwise. the only way to be sure is to have a thermometer(preferably one with a a probe) at the TIP of the plant. Home depot has a super dank digi with probe for 15$. I highly recommend this


Active Member
umm 26 I believe...WIll that be ok?
it should be, just check it in the AM and make sure it isnt to close to it. cfl's need to be close to get all the lumens from them! otherwise you get a plant that stretchs way to much. check you plant after 30 mins and feel the top leafs. if they feel to warm move it a bit farther away until you get a fan


Well-Known Member
oh ya. not warm but the lights are close : ) Ill be gabbing the Y socket and a small fan tomorrow. Im trying to spend as less as possible on this at about $28 right now. Dont want to spend a whole lot more, but the Y socket and Fan are mandatory! Thank you so much for your advise TK (always +Rep for you : )

Anything else you see wrong? Im very open for suggestions!



Active Member
everything looks to be great. get those walls white, tinfoil or Mylar preferably. my GF tells me you can get it at the dollar store, so i am heading over there first thing tomorro. i am reconstructing my box soon, so it can be a bit more steady than styrofoam and cardboard haha. but tinfoil is working for me so far! try and get and oscilating fan


Well-Known Member
Yup Yup, And I have holes poked in the sides of the box(top and bottem) for air flow. What about my time cycle. I know to change it over to 18/6 but my "night cycle" is at 2pm in the day. so its still kinda bright. So is it to late to switch the "night cycle" to like 3am? or will a little bit of light hurt them? I know in FAQ it says that it can make it a herme but what do you think?



Active Member
actually i changed mine part way through. i left the light on for almost 24 hours one day and then turned it off at midnight, so my cycle runs midnight off lights on at 6 am when my gf and i get up for work. its perfect! it might stress it out alittle but the way i saw it, is that some people do 24 hours all the time. so it gets a bit of extra photo synthesis 1 day haha


Well-Known Member
ya I need to get a bigger box! Im trying to find one that is like 4ft tall so I can do the entire grow inside there! Im shooting for like a 3ft tall plant. im Vegging for a month then flowering for a month,do you think it will be ready to harvest after a month? or should I start flowering when I get 2 weeks into Vegging? Im currently at 3 Days.



Active Member
you will know by looking at it i think. pot size will play a roll in how high it gets as well. we dont know if its an indica or sativa yet either. if its indica you wont have to much a problem with it staying small. i think you flowering will take 6-9 weeks thats what i have seen most of the time for most plants, so long as she is a female.


Well-Known Member
lol,oh well shit then ima head over there in the :AM so I can grab mylar then a couple Y sockets then a small like desk fan. Shouldint be more than $20. Ya that sounds like what I need to do Ill set it for. Ill set mine for 1am then cut back on at 7am. This plant moves around more than Ive ever seen a plant do! lol! its a very complex plant!



Well-Known Member
well I know your suppose to wait until its like 75% brown trichomes but If you HAVE to cut it down like in the middle of flowering,is it still able to be dryed and smoked?



Active Member
thats alittle farther and beyond me right now.i havent researched that far. im just looking for the next week or 2 ahead. im sure there is a harvesting threard started in the forum somewhere