growing upside down


Well-Known Member
That thing is lookin good. dont think i can get all the light it wants right now, its going sideways to get, crazy.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
when the plant vegg more clone it into a container with a bigger hole
and dont mind the hater there just made that they didnt think of this -or , they did think of this but there thread didnt get any posts-but what ever it is ,,what ever you do -do not get into a back and forth with those haters on here, because they (RIU staff, not the hater )will just close the thread down and then give YOU the infraction.
i have had somany thread closed before i figuered out that you cant fight BACK on here- and these were threads that i started and fights that i was starting to win -- sad but true


Well-Known Member
Hooray, plugsmustard! Now this is an "experiment" that I can get behind.

However, some other posters gave you some good advice. Switch out the metal can for something else and take the plastic wrap (?) off. The soil needs to breathe and plastic is notorious for holding in moisture (humidity dome is a great example of this). A 5 gallon bucket would likely be too heavy for those brackets you're hanging on, but they sell "grow bags" of various sizes - nice and breathable, light, and pretty much designed for what you're doing.

Worst case scenario as far as the seedling being shaded by the can, is that it will stretch a bit until it reaches the side of the can. No biggie. It's also going to start growing up towards the sun, so you might actually have to work to keep it growing straight down. Again, not hard to do.

Can't wait to see more pics!


Active Member
here's my crop....

pic one...the upside down plant...hasn't grown much (had to bring inside....girlfriend bitched about it, and the neighbors could prob see it.
2. mango tree.....what?
3. deformity...sprouted with 3 leaves
4. random (was a little eaten...brought it in...had grown much.
5. random seed i got from a friend
6. same set of seeds as one in 7.
7. LST'd, topped plant. on 3rd day of flowering..better be a fucking sexy female.

and i am proud to say that the plant in 7, has over 25 stalks, thats why it better be a female, or i will lost my shit.



Well-Known Member
here's my crop....

pic one...the upside down plant...hasn't grown much (had to bring inside....girlfriend bitched about it, and the neighbors could prob see it.
2. mango tree.....what?
3. deformity...sprouted with 3 leaves
4. random (was a little eaten...brought it in...had grown much.
5. random seed i got from a friend
6. same set of seeds as one in 7.
7. LST'd, topped plant. on 3rd day of flowering..better be a fucking sexy female.

and i am proud to say that the plant in 7, has over 25 stalks, thats why it better be a female, or i will lost my shit.
Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's female :leaf: Might be a good idea to take some clones, she (?) looks like she could spare a few.


Active Member
i'll post another pic of the upside down one tommorow...but have you ever heard of this?

i was looking to for pistols today. i leaf that had been there since almost the beginning (was heat stressed) i knocked it, hardly any force...and it fell off. but the weird thing is. if you harm or break a plant, it goes black. this one didn't it is still green, it was around 9:00 this morning, its 4:43 now, heres some pics.

anyone ever see this?



Active Member
growing plants upside down has numerous benefits for both the gardener and the plants, of which includes the elimination of grueling gardening tasks such as tilling, weeding, or staking plants. Watering is much easier, and the plants are more vigorous. Since plants hang above the ground, there’s no worries associated with their fruits touching the soil, which significantly lessens the chances of rotting or attacks from pests.