question about sexing, leafs cupping


I'm doing my first grow. Its 6 lowriders (ganja dwarf autoflowering) in a box 2ft x 1.5ft x 4ft high. They are lighted w/ 1- 75 watt CFL (soft) & 4-27 watt CFLs (daylight) (true watts). The plants range from approx 4-7 inches and bushy at 24 days. I think they the larger ones are showing sex but looks kinda different from pics. At the off branches they have 2 threads that started green but have now turned to a kinda white or orange this the female?? I tried to take pics but the site locks up when I download pics.
Also I just transplanted from coffee cups and they were all kinda rootbound...will they get stunted??

Thanks for your's appreciated!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i don't thinik your root bound plants will be stunted - just may take a little longer to get to ur desired size
if those two "threads" are in a v shape i'd say you have a female.


i don't thinik your root bound plants will be stunted - just may take a little longer to get to ur desired size
if those two "threads" are in a v shape i'd say you have a female. they aren't ...they both grow out of the stem at the branch...not out of a shoot...???