autoflower not flowering at day 31! any clues?


hey guys/gals
my first post on here,n need some advice
i have an autoflower bluestreak thats been growing for 4 weeks today n its still not flowering ,they say there supposed to show sex by day 21 for females n 16-17 for males but no sigh ov anything as of yet
does anyone know why it isnt showing sex/flowering yet?
its grown odd from the start its first set of 3 leaves didnt look normal n looked kinda stunted nthe next set of leaves supposed to be 5 but it was another 3fan,n the next was 5 n the one after that was 5fan so like 2 sets of 3fan n now 2sets of 5 if u get me?
could this be why it isnt flowering?
any advice would be great

Illegal Smile

The timeframes they give for autoflowers are optimistic. Any stunting or setbacks will push those times back. I wouldn't worry, as long as it is healthy it will come along.


The timeframes they give for autoflowers are optimistic. Any stunting or setbacks will push those times back. I wouldn't worry, as long as it is healthy it will come along.
could it still be a male even tho its been well past the time for it to show up as male?


Well-Known Member
Doesnt sound like its an auto really, mine started flowering after around 15 days! apparently there has been a few sites mixing there delivery's up so that could be the case


Well-Known Member
I am having the same problem with my Afghan Kush from World of Seeds. They are at like day 50 and the only flowering is the pic below.

They are getting bigger an bigger and look really healthy. My lowryders 2 that I started at the same time are about ready for harvest.

The three bushy ones are my Afghan Kush, the smaller budding ones are my Lowryders

The only flowering on the Afghan Kush, I think because it is flowering it has some auto-flower properties, but I think that to fully flower it needs to be on 12/12

Lowryder doing its thing.

Illegal Smile

I've grown autoflowers a couple times and am doing so now. They are day 21 today and not even preflower yet. Don't worry about what anyone says, they are where they are just keep them going.


Well-Known Member
I've grown autoflowers a couple times and am doing so now. They are day 21 today and not even preflower yet. Don't worry about what anyone says, they are where they are just keep them going.
I don't know. I am at 52 days, and only those little ass flowers.


hey guys after all that wait it turned out to be a male gutted!:roll:
supposed to be faminized seeds lol
time to scatter some more seeds then i think
let yas know wat happpens with the next batch


i know dude,
says feminized on the box n everythin
i havent had one female off the pack yet ive tryed 6 of them n ive got 4 left i might just bang all of them in the soil


Well-Known Member
let me clarify a few things for you.
by using feminized auto seeds you are taking a big risk for two reasons.
1. feminized seeds are a creation of man. they are not natural and are not guaranteed.
2. the autoflowering strains that are available today are all hybrids. they are ruderalis plants that have been crossed with a (typically) indica of some sort. these hybrids are again, a creation of man, and are not guaranteed. most autoflowering strains are not in the least bit stable, and results will vary from seed to seed.

it is very likely that you got seeds in which the autoflower gene was not present. i have read countless other threads of people with the same issue.

personally, i have grown buddha white dwarf, and i loved it. they were all female (yay feminized seeds..?) and the smoke they produced, while meager, was intense.

final words. don't give up on the ruderalis genes. they kick ass and in the future, someone will figure out a better and more stable use for them. for the time being though, i wouldn'tt consider them much more than a novelty.


Well-Known Member
Ya I got some bluberry auto FEMINIZED seeds from the tude but so far 2 have not sprouted and one has shown male!!!! Grrrrrrrr...... So I only have one healthy lowlife auto blueberry and it started flowering really early it seems (at about 2 weeks!)


Well-Known Member
let me clarify a few things for you.
by using feminized auto seeds you are taking a big risk for two reasons.
1. feminized seeds are a creation of man. they are not natural and are not guaranteed.
2. the autoflowering strains that are available today are all hybrids. they are ruderalis plants that have been crossed with a (typically) indica of some sort. these hybrids are again, a creation of man, and are not guaranteed. most autoflowering strains are not in the least bit stable, and results will vary from seed to seed.

it is very likely that you got seeds in which the autoflower gene was not present. i have read countless other threads of people with the same issue.

personally, i have grown buddha white dwarf, and i loved it. they were all female (yay feminized seeds..?) and the smoke they produced, while meager, was intense.

final words. don't give up on the ruderalis genes. they kick ass and in the future, someone will figure out a better and more stable use for them. for the time being though, i wouldn'tt consider them much more than a novelty.
:clap::clap:WELL SAID:clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
the best thing since they are supposed to be autoflowering is to keep the pollen and pollenate a female so called autoflower so that you can get then genetics back up and stable auto male+ auto female =auto seeds. or auto hermie + autofemale = auto feminised seeds. because you breeding the male phenos out of the plant to create female genes, but you got to make sure that the other plant is a stable female and wont hermie and you should be good to grow bro
glad i found this thread i currently had this problem with orignal lowryder they veged for 5 weeks and never showed sign of sex flipped them to 12/12 all had sexed witin 5 days time i thinking tho bigger plant bigger yeild as 1 is 27 inches with no side branching whats so ever.many people have had problems with the auto's very unstable from what i see,not hating on them as i will try agin.but try cuting ur light down i know 18/6-20/4 are breader reccommended but then again flowering in 8 weeks is what they said to keep just sharing what ive experinced


hey guys today i planted the rest of me auto bluestreak seeds hopefully one will be female this time
plantes 4 seeds half perlite half compost
ill keep yall posted on wat happends with this lot lol pray for me haha
peace for now.....


Active Member
hello people im new to this thread im growing lowryder2 there at day 67 and still not flowering and iv got ak47 af that are nearly done iv heard that for the last couple of weeks of flowering with ak47 you can cut the light back to 12/12 and they love it is this true HELP please lol and would this make my lowryder2 flower thanks


Well-Known Member
hello people im new to this thread im growing lowryder2 there at day 67 and still not flowering and iv got ak47 af that are nearly done iv heard that for the last couple of weeks of flowering with ak47 you can cut the light back to 12/12 and they love it is this true HELP please lol and would this make my lowryder2 flower thanks
If you read this thread, it's been discussed that some sites get their seeds messed up and youve most likely have a regular plant that will flower when you turn it to 12/12. I'm not sure that youre ak47 would appreciate the sudden change in light schedule, it might screw with it. The more light the better (for autos anyway). I would start taking the other plant out and setting it in a dark area for 12 hrs every night until the ak47 is finished.


I've grown autoflowers a couple times and am doing so now. They are day 21 today and not even preflower yet. Don't worry about what anyone says, they are where they are just keep them going.
mine are ak47 x lwryder 2 and still vegging with no sign of flower at 24 days old its good i believe it will happen as my fellow smoker says im getting impatient to ive got some ionic coco bloom ready for mine lol im doing autoblueberry next all the best buddy


Well-Known Member
mine are ak47 x lwryder 2 and still vegging with no sign of flower at 24 days old its good i believe it will happen as my fellow smoker says im getting impatient to ive got some ionic coco bloom ready for mine lol im doing autoblueberry next all the best buddy
Way to resurrect this old ass thread.