THIEVES<>Advise please


Well-Known Member
well if your moving, its a clean slate now. dont tell anyone, not even your new friends, sry homies. I guarantee one of your friends was involved. friends are friends until bud starts growing.


Well-Known Member
:cuss: i live in a community where everyone kinda knows eachother. I got my group of homies but then theres a bunch of little fuc*in kids running around stealing everything they can. I personally havent gotten anything jacked yet but all my friends have, well most of them at least. Im good at keeping my stuff UNKNOWN but obviously these kids know who "BLAZE" and dont "BLAZE" in the hood. Fu*k these kids tho, my bro got jacked 8 FAT purple plants completely pre-mature, they just cutt em down, what a waste!!!! I think they might actually yard hop to find these things cus we are hush hush about it. :cuss:

What are the best teqniques to make the plants as hard as possible to steal, because IF someone does know about them, i dont want to make it easy for them ya digg :wall:
Bells maybe?
Tie em together? idk...
a gun and a bullet in there face thats wut i would do


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Somebody comes in your yard to steal and your dog bites them how would that be bad for you and the dog???
because a criminal has more right then you do.. example if a thifeis breakes your window and ccuts him self so bad he needs surgery to put shit back together again, he can actullysew thge liveing shit out of you, even over a dog bite


Well-Known Member
lol well wwhere im oving i wont have the same friend, obviously, these other homies i grew up with for hella years. but ya i definitely feel ya, just me and one of the homies are getting a new pad and slamming the place ya digg? i cant wait, it'l be all indoor, all legal, no worries :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I got security cam software.... I can see whats happening at/in my house wherever on a laptop or phone........with motion sensors that record and take pics then sent via internet...pretty cool program called evocam for mac.....cams + dogs = nobody stepping in my yard without me knowing.


Well-Known Member
a gun, a bullet, hell maybe even a silencer, lol and a nice big whole in the cutts by my old grow-op hehehe :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yea its so messed up with criminals these days. Like if they are running away from you in your house once they see your 12 gauge pointed at them, and you shoot them, your in the wrong?? they were robbing you and perhaps gonna murder you but you just surprised them. Such a messed up system. I feel like if they are in your house and its obvious they shouldnt have been, like masks and lock picks on them. Then they are fair game. People need to stop treating criminals like misfits and more like criminals.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I got security cam software I can see whats happening at/in my house wherever on a laptop or phone........with motion sensors that record and take pics then sent via internet...pretty cool program called evocam for mac.....cams + dogs = nobody stepping in my yard without me knowing.
same here thats why i cane go hunting allday and even for a week and not worry one little bitknowing myshit will be right were i left it andshit well still be staning with nothing gone:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
see cams are hella good but still they can yank the plants and chances are it will be too dark to tell who did it. my buddy had a cam on his shit and we could see two people (short, fuc*in kids) but they still took the plants and went un caught. aghghgh he was PISSSED, an so would i be.
*fingers crossed* i hope my dont get yanked, pray to JAH :roll:
cross your fingers for me evertbody!!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Fuc* a criminal, cuz in those circumstances, if there in your house witha hoodie that bitch is getting popped with something!!!! let him wake up tied up with one of your dirty socks in his mouth :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yea its so messed up with criminals these days. Like if they are running away from you in your house once they see your 12 gauge pointed at them, and you shoot them, your in the wrong?? they were robbing you and perhaps gonna murder you but you just surprised them. Such a messed up system. I feel like if they are in your house and its obvious they shouldnt have been, like masks and lock picks on them. Then they are fair game. People need to stop treating criminals like misfits and more like criminals.
sum state you can flat blow some one away that has just broken into your house as long as they die in the home,but here in Oregon they have to be commiting a felony 1st b4 youcan shot them.. thats really messed up


Well-Known Member
yea its like you ca shoot them after they stab you once. Lol if i catch someone in my house and they run im running them down in the street, i dont care what will happen. I might even pull an american history x and curb stomp them.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
see cams are hella good but still they can yank the plants and chances are it will be too dark to tell who did it. my buddy had a cam on his shit and we could see two people (short, fuc*in kids) but they still took the plants and went un caught. aghghgh he was PISSSED, an so would i be.
*fingers crossed* i hope my dont get yanked, pray to JAH :roll:
cross your fingers for me evertbody!!!!! lol
mothion lights. they are all around my house so even at night i can see just perrfectly


Well-Known Member
see motion lights, i dont know becasue if someone did come in the yard the lights would definitely help them find em,,,,, "hmmm where are they? ooh there they are" heheh when im asleep, im asleep, lights turning on wont wake me up ya digg?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hahahaha breaking an entry is a felony bro!!!!! blast that fooooooooooool
not here. a man is doing 30 years for shoting a man dead that had broke into is home and feel asleep on the couch. when the man got home he shot and killed him..


Well-Known Member
yea get some motion lights for night, OMG those things used to scare the shit outta me when me and my friend would be sneaking into his basement late at night after partying. Make sure they are super bright too. its the scariest thing cause you dont know if someone on the inside turned them out and is looking at you.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
see motion lights, i dont know becasue if someone did come in the yard the lights would definitely help them find em,,,,, "hmmm where are they? ooh there they are" heheh when im asleep, im asleep, lights turning on wont wake me up ya digg?
mine are in a green house


Well-Known Member
thats so fucked, but ya i guess, you gotta be carefull, like i said, knock him out with something, stuff the DIRTIEST sock in his mouth then wait for the cops to get there lolol,