is it ok to spray water on ur plants?


Well-Known Member
i am tryin to get my leaves green, cuz the bottom leaves are turning yellow. so i decided to spray water on the leaves to get some color back into them. will this hurt my plant or is it ok to do? bongsmilie:?:
Spraying water on the leaves of your plant isn't going to help with the yellowing of the leaves. Sounds like it may need a boost of fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man spraying the leaves is only if you have a nute lockout and need to give the plant nutes directly.
I do occasionally spray mine like maybe every week or 3 if even that, its been a long time since I have.
I think that's just a noob thing spraying leaves, but it wont hurt as long as the PH is good like my Bud Golden Gonja said (listen to him he knows what he is talking about)
But plain water wont fic yellow leaves, they dont get any better, just new leaves come in and make you forget about it.

Welcome to RIU, happy growin


Well-Known Member
Ohh another word of advice, click "Go Advanced" at the bottom and them "Manage Attachments" to attach pics, I don't follow URLs in the forum (I didn't see you pics, so I can't help there)

Does sound like N deficiency, BUT during growth some lower leaves turn yellow and die, and that's normal, also can be you aren't getting enough light coverage.


Well-Known Member
Ohh it also can promote mold growth if your leaves don't get all the water off, so really yeah I wouldn't bother with it.
id say its safe to spray the leaves and the plants love it, although if growing outdoors dont spray in the hottest part of the day as the water bubbles can act as magnifying glass for the sun and make burn spots in your leaves... but it will not help with yellow leaves.


Remember when you were a kid and u would break out a magnfine glass in the summer time when the sun was as bright as it can be to burn ants? The water droplets can act like a magnfine glass on ur leaves with when the light on its could burn ur plants. spary at night if u have ne promblems.

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
foliar feeding is only beneficial in the first early stages of veg. you can burn your leaves especially if there is nutrients in the water.