Moving to Vermont...


Well-Known Member
So yeah, I'll be packing my bags in a few weeks to head to Montpelier Vermont. Why you ask? The girlfriend decided to become a chef, so she's going to a culinary school out there...

Any VT residents here? Please tell me there's good bud, I've been so spoiled here, please please please :(


Well-Known Member
Hehe tucson az so its 110 now... yeah ill be cold... oh well its only through feb


New Member
I think it will be a nice change....severe change, but nice. One tip though, don't go half dressed. I can still remember when my sister moved from Fla. to Chicago in December. She bought clothes in Tampa....winter clothes. well the first day to work in the city, it was incredibly windy and cold cold cold. My sis finally STAGGERS into her new office and her boss just took one look at her coat and asked, where did you get this? She replied, I bought it in Florida. He just laughed, and as she already knew by her shivering deep into her body core, he said, that my dear, is not winter clothing.


Active Member
Welcome Ketsup. While not in VT all the time I do spend my weekends there, it's my true home. I commute back to RI for work during the week. And yes, you will freeze you ass off.

I do regret to inform you the best week you'll find around there is the stuff you grow yourself. VT is not particularly known for killer weed, but then again I haven't had to look for it up there in years. I'm sure if you find it the price will be ridiculous. Sorry I can't help more but gl with the move and such.


New Member
I call it home..lucky me :lol:
heheh....don't get me wrong (hell). I have nothing against Chicago (hell). It's one of the nicest places in the summer (hell). The food is awesome (hell). I do love it when it isn't -05 with 45 mph winds.

I can just imagine the very first settlers telling the indians, who moved south for the winter, uhhh we're gonna stay through the winter. Oh how the indians must have laughed and laughed and laughed. I'll bet the laughter was heard down the trail for miles and miles. :mrgreen:


Active Member
Okay, real quick....why in the heck is it called Rhode "Island"? :lol:

Hell man, I dunno. I just work here. VT is where home really is. I'll interrogate some natives and get back to you. :)


Active Member
whats up all, grew up in vermont my whole life and there is some killer weed if you know the right people like everywhere else its not what you know it who you know.

haze, son

Active Member
Hahaha, I was raised most of my life in VT, and sir, you have nothing to worry about. There should be some serious dank in your area. Do yourself a favor, and look up a town called Morrisville (or, Elmore to be specific). Its about 30 minutes north of Montpelier, and is an area VERY well known for dank nuggets. A couple friends of mine live up there, and I used to go to school there. Recently this summer, a kid I know was getting rid of Skunk #7 and some other epic strains. Prices are actually reasonable, too, if you know the right people. Vermont is fucking PERFECT for outdoor. The summers are nice, but the winters are harsh (but not as bad as either Minnesota or Maine). Most people pull their outdoors in early september, but this year, I think that it'll be a bit later due to global warming and the weather changes.

I myself live near Rutland. Its about an hour from you, but by my driving, I can get there in about 45. ;p
You, sir, are going to enjoy some of the dankest nuggets in the northeast. Hands down.


Active Member
See that? Now you got it! Morrisville isn't far from Jeffersonville is it haze? I'm camped in Northeast Kingdom so it's a little ride for me.

And yeah, VT has a great climate for outdoor.

haze, son

Active Member
See that? Now you got it! Morrisville isn't far from Jeffersonville is it haze? I'm camped in Northeast Kingdom so it's a little ride for me.

And yeah, VT has a great climate for outdoor.
Holy fucking shit. I just checked google maps, and if you live in Jeffersonville, then you're honestly not even 20 minutes from Mo'vegas. You guys are hella close to eachother. No lie.

Zoom out and you'll see what I mean.


Active Member
I live really close to montepelier in NH. I am like a 30-40 drive.

we have some killer herb in the area, nothing like you get out west, buts its still really heady.

I know a few friends that went to the same culinary school your girl is going to. Its a really chill place. if you like to see music you should check out

great club in burlington about 38 miles north of monteplier.


Well-Known Member
VT has the highest percentage of smokers/per state population in the country per October High Times. You will have no problem finding good nug there. The outdoor purps strain was legendary back in the day, but I am not sure it is still around. Nice berry smell/taste.