Did i screw my self???


Oracle of Hallucinogens
So instead of ppl saying you shouldn't do coke.. maybe they should look at the culprit, and say, you shouldn't drink alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh touche! Ye so i had my meeting and all went well. Usually if u got a dirt UA they call you in advance to come in to a one on one meeting but i got nothing. I was soo nervous that i make up an excuse to go talk to the director about some thing random in a hope that if it was dirty she woud bring it up. But nope she acted like every think was o ak!!! Now all i hjave to do is my exit interview and im outta that bitch for GOOOD!!! YAAAAAYY!!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Congrats, I'm glad to hear everything went well for ya. Second you're out, smoke a blunt for me will ya? I'm not going to get to do that for a while..


Well-Known Member
Well well well, today is the motherfucking day!!! I have my exit interview in a half hour!!! Then im Free at last, Free at last! :) God good all mighty i hope it goes well. It would be the Ultmate dick move if they were waiting till today to tell me my ua from the monday b4 last was dirty and that there taking on another 24 weeks of this bullshit. Wish me good luck ppl. If all goes well im getting absoutley fucking Smashed tonight. Hell even if it doesnt go well im still getting absoutly fucking smashed tonight!


Well-Known Member
its out of your system in a day if you only did a little bit man your fine just stay away from herb


Well-Known Member
Great news for you congrats. take this as a learning experience not to push the time limits like that. And stick to the green. Good endings are always nice. :)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Great news for you congrats. take this as a learning experience not to push the time limits like that. And stick to the green. Good endings are always nice. :)
Had he "stuck to green" he would have failed the test by a long shot.. in this scenario, it's a good thing he stuck to blow.


Well-Known Member
All went well! I am finally done with this bullshit!! They tried to be tricky and called me back 3 hours after my meeting to say i forgot to sign a release form. Luckily i didnt smoke any thing yet at that point!


Well-Known Member
Wow thats funny because I would have had a blunt rolled waiting in the car..I would be the one fucked after serving the whole sentence. Hoy. I got angry imagining this happening to myself.


Well-Known Member
wow that is some tricky bullshit i would have been caught high as hell. and been a wreck trying to pull it off. Grats man.


Well-Known Member
Did they drug test you again?
Nope! They did not, i thought they were going to just to be ass holes ut they didnt. Even if they did i would have been fine. Man i got high as FUCK last night! It was pretty insane, smoking non stop till 4 am! I think i got my 5 year 8th a day tolerance back in one night :-P


New Member
It'll be out in 2-5 days in piss and blood and up to 90 days in hair. Since your heart races it speeds up the process. Isn't that some BS though coke leaves quick and bud stays in for 1-90 days. WTF kind of monster would make it that way?!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
It'll be out in 2-5 days in piss and blood and up to 90 days in hair. Since your heart races it speeds up the process. Isn't that some BS though coke leaves quick and bud stays in for 1-90 days. WTF kind of monster would make it that way?!
For this scenario, let's say there is a god.

He created cannabis, and since it is so amazing, he wanted it to be in our body's for longer periods of time as cannabis is a piece of heaven on earth.
