UK cheese cross white widow cross blueberry

mr west

Well-Known Member
:joint:>>><<<<:joint: cough cough cough thats some strong shit lol. well the ww/bb and ww smell the same fucking gorgeous, almost like sweets sherberty and citrusyish. The cheese and psychosis and the EBW smell uberdank oldschool skunky but totaly unique. The safari mix plant smells like plant and not very inspiring at all


Well-Known Member
all that stank ..... I'll bet that house ...well stanks ... hahahahah! So so many different stanks at one time. confusing? No, gratifying ..... hahahaha!:blsmoke:
:joint:>>><<<<:joint: cough cough cough thats some strong shit lol. well the ww/bb and ww smell the same fucking gorgeous, almost like sweets sherberty and citrusyish. The cheese and psychosis and the EBW smell uberdank oldschool skunky but totaly unique. The safari mix plant smells like plant and not very inspiring at all


Well-Known Member
Do you vent it back into the same room as the tent? When you get a 600w you'll have to try and find a way to send the heat elsewhere coz mine was still too hot doing it that way.

mr west

Well-Known Member
its a 400w and the air gets vented out the top of my box, plenty of fresh air circulates the room with my tent lol


Well-Known Member
Are you gonna get a 6? I got those 6 an half week SK#1's last night, 5 of 'em. They are gonna be handy for a quick crop lol

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
its not the attention im bothered about, its the fact im a widow of weed lol. so y not take up grown. better smoke down our necks, than in the slanty weed hands

mr west

Well-Known Member
rubbs hands together and says " Excellant" in true mr burns style. Seems like the first step to lazy growing is in place lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
she came down yesterday at 62 days, trichs weree saying mostly cloudy with a good few amber lol