• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

getting off opiates


Active Member
i think the drug should not be made at all but then again that would kill alot of people who have savage drug addictions
You are aware that Oxycontins' intended use isn't recreational but as a painkiller for cancer patients?
It might make your life a little easier but it would turn alot of other peoples' into a living hell.


Active Member
If God didn't want us to use drugs, he wouldn't have made so many good ones. If God didn't want us to love using drugs he wouldn't have made them so much fun. If God wanted us to stop using drugs he wouldn't have invented withdrawls. It's Gods' plan and it's all in the bible.


Well-Known Member
anyone that was truly addicted to oxys or heroin for any long length of time will tell u its not just as easy as cold turkey or some weed for nausia,,, There is a GOOD chance you will never be your regular self again and probably will have to live like that until the day u die,,,,,, f-n sucks....... for all u people that have these little bits of advise, havent skimmed the edge of an actual addiction thank god,,, lots of bad advise on here,, but if and when it happens to someone you will then know its not just the intense pain, but a lifetime of trying and wanting to feel good again, being in a great mood..... sux forever if you get in too deep, but its better than being on the shit,, just gotta keep telling that to yourself...... peace........

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i feel u being recenly hooked on opiates
been doing them for a month now without really stopping as nausea sets in so fucking quick!
ive noticed that weed does help with the nausea
also another pill wont hurt

i gotta get clean and off this shit
i feel like im in a vortex on them wen i binge
then wen i run out thats wen trmors and the puking and depression begins and its the worst!
i can see why so many people are addicted to avoid that horrible feeling wen the binge wears off and reality sets in


Well-Known Member
You are still early in the game only doing them for a short time,, if you get out now u still have a chance for a good life and feeling good,,,, advise,,,,,, get out now nomatter how great u feel when u r doing them,,,,,the longer you are hooked on an everyday schedule the harder it is to find reality,, that might b one of the reasons people kill themselves..:leaf:
i feel u being recenly hooked on opiates
been doing them for a month now without really stopping as nausea sets in so fucking quick!
ive noticed that weed does help with the nausea
also another pill wont hurt

i gotta get clean and off this shit
i feel like im in a vortex on them wen i binge
then wen i run out thats wen trmors and the puking and depression begins and its the worst!
i can see why so many people are addicted to avoid that horrible feeling wen the binge wears off and reality sets in


Well-Known Member
The besdt thing is suboxone its an opiae antagonist which means your brain recognizes it as oxy but it wont get you high itll just stop the misery


Well-Known Member
you got me wanting to get back into oxys fuck
your off your fuckin head!

suboxin is a good for detox and it get you high but its like 600 bucks
600 bucks? dont think that right, its still used as a program like methadone. just a little less painful than done on withdrawals when reducing

You will emerge from the tunnel. Just like the day you were born. Going through your mothers vagina, just like your being reborn!!!!!!!!! YAY YAY yay.
u dickhead!

A 90 day rehab??? He hasn't even had a habit for 90 days. And as far as NA goes, it's a joke! The only difference between NA and AA is the switched the word "alcohol" to "drugs" in their "Big Book".The NA/AA program/book was written in the mid 1930s and not a word has been changed. It would be like being treated at a hospital that used equipment and trained staff from what was available 80 years ago. NA/12-Step has a <1% success rate. A program based on the theory that addicts are powerless over drugs is bs. There is no brian disease that negates free will. Modern science has discredited the "Disease Model" a decade ago. Maintaining an addiction is a choice. Newer methods such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Rational Emotive Therapy have shown success rates over 80%. And addicts actually GRADUATE from these programs! They don't have to spend the rest of thier life in a dingy church basement drinking coffee, chain smoking and refusing to take responsibility for thier life because they "are powerless over thier disease."
Some h addicts don't care if they're homeless and thier family and friends despise them. The majority of us prefer to keep our full time job, family, friends, and self-respect. But we're not the kind of junkies that make it on the news, or Cops for that matter.
i've sadly been on the program 6 years slowly reducing and am hoping to be completly off mid next year.

Ive tried everything,,,, I was addicted to oxys for 8 years before moving to heroin for lack of oxys,,,, I went thru the methadone clinic for a couple of years, got down to 1 milligram then they told me I was done but still couldnt go to work or look people in the eye,,, couldnt sleep,, hoooottttt all the time,,, then,,,,, I found suboxine doctors,,, Its great,,, you put one tiny pill under your tounge in the morning and you are good as gold all day without being high,,, I would still be an addict if it wasnt for these pills and insurance covers them,,,, the downfalls are that you have to take this pill every morning,, but in my case it was a lifesaver....... good luck,,,, Ive been there and back....
my dr will be swaping me to subutex or saboxalon has naloxon in it once i get to a very low methadone dose, ill still have to go without my dose for 24-48 hrs befroe i can start taking the other. or it will make me instantly withdraw. very bad.

If God didn't want us to use drugs, he wouldn't have made so many good ones. If God didn't want us to love using drugs he wouldn't have made them so much fun. If God wanted us to stop using drugs he wouldn't have invented withdrawls. It's Gods' plan and it's all in the bible.
here, here i agree. i love drugs! but they are bad when abussed

anyone that was truly addicted to oxys or heroin for any long length of time will tell u its not just as easy as cold turkey or some weed for nausia,,, There is a GOOD chance you will never be your regular self again and probably will have to live like that until the day u die,,,,,, f-n sucks....... for all u people that have these little bits of advise, havent skimmed the edge of an actual addiction thank god,,, lots of bad advise on here,, but if and when it happens to someone you will then know its not just the intense pain, but a lifetime of trying and wanting to feel good again, being in a great mood..... sux forever if you get in too deep, but its better than being on the shit,, just gotta keep telling that to yourself...... peace........
u know whats its about, this is GOING to affect the rest of my life ill always be fighting the temptation once i'm off it.

The besdt thing is suboxone its an opiae antagonist which means your brain recognizes it as oxy but it wont get you high itll just stop the misery
yeah doesn't get u high and if u use other opiates u may suffer instant withdrawals (make you very very sick) or u won't feel the drugs u are having on top anyway. the suboxone blocks the opiate receptos.


Active Member
It is still possible to get high while taking subs and it won't result in instant withdrawals. The doc might tell you that but it's false. The naloxone in Suboxone keeps you from getting high on the Suboxone. Not other opies.


Well-Known Member
i feel u being recenly hooked on opiates
been doing them for a month now without really stopping as nausea sets in so fucking quick!
ive noticed that weed does help with the nausea
also another pill wont hurt

i gotta get clean and off this shit
i feel like im in a vortex on them wen i binge
then wen i run out thats wen trmors and the puking and depression begins and its the worst!
i can see why so many people are addicted to avoid that horrible feeling wen the binge wears off and reality sets in
I saw this one coming =\. Get off while its still fresh. Your withdrawls are nothing compared to years and years of use. You knew it was bad when you were first starting...I read your posts! Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard a little about getting addicted but I never once thought in my wildest f-n dreams that it can b soooo bad,, but I didnt have the internet that had people willing to tell u all about it and warn you about getting hooked if I had this I would at least been aware and much more careful about it.....so to all that are going down that path,,, when taking opiates just try to wait a day in between or no more than 4 days in a row without taking a few days off and you should b fine and still b able to get high..... good luck people,,,, oh yeah one more thing,,, when you take opiates and hang out with others that do them,, after a few years you will notice that there are people dying around you,, you will b going to your friends and familys' funerals....... sux but true for me and everyone I know that do opies.....
I saw this one coming =\. Get off while its still fresh. Your withdrawls are nothing compared to years and years of use. You knew it was bad when you were first starting...I read your posts! Good luck.


Everyones' Physiology is different. What works for one may not work so well for another. I've been on Painkillers (Fentanyl, Morphine, Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Dilaudid. Vicodin) for 20 0dd years. I beleive I have it under control now and am not now addicted although I continue to use Oxycodone tabs. I snort them now and wait a week before filling another prescription. When you snort it it doesn't seem to stay in your system as long. I think Oxycontin is the worst because it stays in your system 24/7 if you take it as prescribed. Of course deal with the pain until I get the prescription refilled, but it's better than being addicted. I've gone cold turkey 4 times. To initially get off I tapered down my use as far as I could, then took Valium and Clonidine for a Week or so. Pot, Peppermint or fresh Ginger for Nausea. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
alright dude here is the answer to your question. i will let you know a little about me first. i got hooked on vicodin and percocet because of a back injury 4 years ago. after the doctors cut me off the pain pills i went in search of them on the street. i was doing 2-3 80's a day just to feel normal and thought i would never quit. but now i am clean and sober and have been for 8 months. here is my advice. do not use methadone. methadone kills more people a year than oxycontin by far! find a doctor in your area that prescribes SUBOXONE. it is an answer to my prayers and has saved my life. it still isnt 100% easy, but it is very helpful to help you get away from oxy and the people who use and deal it. seriously cut off all people you know who are using. i did it and it isnt easy to say goodbye but that is the only way you will stay clean. suboxone is dissolved under the tounge and makes most all withdrawls go away. dont relapse onto oxy because the suboxone seems to help less the more you relapse. give it a try. i did and it really helped. the difference between suboxone and methadone is basically that it is much safer, works just as well, but suboxone is a drug that you will be able to be wiened off of. methadone is a life long drug. so just take my advice and do it. i know it will help you and allow you to keep you job or stay in school while being treated and comming off oxy. so good luck, and dont listen to the nay sayers or the people that could never quit. you can do it, and you will lead a clean life. believe me i know exactly how you feel right now. withdrawls from oxy are unbarable and will make you do things that you would never do normally. so take suboxone and save your life. somebody told me about suboxone and saved me, now i need to repay the kindness that i was shown.


Well-Known Member
by the way suboxone works by clinging to your opiate receptors and blocking withdrawls. so if cold turkey and suffering isnt for you. and you want to be able to go on with your daily life. suboxone is the answer.


If you decide to use Benzos (Xanax/Valium/Ativan/Clonapin), try to keep use under a week. Benzo withdrawls can last up to 2 months and they make opiate w/ds feel like a day at the circus! Mary Jane may be a better choice for nausea anyways. If you've never dabbled in Benzos, don't start now.
If you think your habit may have deeper roots, try counseling. Also, check out the SMART Recovery website. It's a great program based on science that you actually graduate from. Unlike 12-Step NA/AA which is based on 1930s ideals and propaganda and is life-long. Also, feel free to contact me and i can give you my email if you ever want to talk or have any questions. Also, check out the Heroin Helper site. It's a great resource.
Clonapin is probably not a good choice as a substitute. Just as addictive and withdraws are terrible. My buddy was a bad OC head and he used xanyx for withdraw adderall is good too but can cause more aggression


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Iboga. Its a hallucinogenic plant from africa but has been scientifically proven to end opiate addiction in most people.

From the wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabernanthe_iboga
Outside Africa, iboga extracts as well as the purified alkaloid ibogaine are used in treating opiate addiction. The therapy may last several days and upon completion the subject is generally no longer physically dependent. One methadone patient said in the Dutch behind-the-news show Twee Vandaag that in just four days he reached a state that normally would have taken him three months, but without the agony. Evidence suggests that ibogaine may also help to interrupt addiction to alcohol and nicotine. The pharmacological effects are rather undisputed with hundreds of peer reviewed papers in support but formal clinical studies have not been completed.

Some clinics operate ilegally in the U.S. to fight addiction this way. But there are legal ones just across the Mexican border.

the root can be obtained online from sites like Bouncing Bear Botanicals: www.bouncingbearbotanicals.com/advanced_search_result.php?search_in_description=1&keywords=iboga&x=0&y=0

List of worldwidw iboga treatment providers

testimonials: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiGPnCSx8nk



Well-Known Member
I cannot beleive there are people on here that would say cold turkey is the way,,, obviously never been that far gone or you would have never said it.... And to cell 1988,,, good advise,, I gave almost the same advise earlier, been down the long road for one hell of a lot of years and suboxin was the way to go for me and I try to tell as many people as possibe since it saved my life,,,,, were you able to kick the suboxine yet or no??? Myself,,, I would rather spend a lifetime on suboxine than have to go through all the hell in the past I went thru again,,,, again,,, good advise....
dude, cold turkey is the best idea

just like your sick, chicken soup and lots of IB profen


Well-Known Member
I tryed this advise way early on to no good response...
Ive tried everything,,,, I was addicted to oxys for 8 years before moving to heroin for lack of oxys,,,, I went thru the methadone clinic for a couple of years, got down to 1 milligram then they told me I was done but still couldnt go to work or look people in the eye,,, couldnt sleep,, hoooottttt all the time,,, then,,,,, I found suboxine doctors,,, Its great,,, you put one tiny pill under your tounge in the morning and you are good as gold all day without being high,,, I would still be an addict if it wasnt for these pills and insurance covers them,,,, the downfalls are that you have to take this pill every morning,, but in my case it was a lifesaver....... good luck,,,, Ive been there and back....

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
i used to have a bit of a vicodin problem, you just have to break the cycle, its gona suck realy realy bad but you have to detox, i would smoke some bud to keep the nausia under control, drink lots of water or gator aid because you will loose alot of fulids detoxing (vomit, crying, pissing, ect) also have a person you trust with you while you do it just incase medical attension is needed. it is going suck, i had my girl friend (now wife) lock me in my room and set with me while i detoxed and i made it out okay, but oxi is the worst posin, one of those things i wish we could un-invent