I Have A ? For You Religious People.


Well-Known Member
thanks for showing me that.
what about the other thousands of reports?
See the main page on that same site. It's all bullshit, fraud, or leaps of faith combined with lack of evidence. The whole "man with dinosaurs" thing is a huge sham. You may as well show me stuff on fairies, the loch ness monster or bigfoot.

Nothing disproves evolution so far, and trawling pseudoscience sites will not advance your argument. If real evidence existed to counter evolutionary theory, creationists would be using it in every argument, and scientists themselves would adjust happily their theories. Evidence is not ignored in real science, it is absorbed, and used to give a clearer and more accurate picture of reality.


Active Member
Nothing disproves evolution so far, and trawling pseudoscience sites will not advance your argument. If real evidence existed to counter evolutionary theory, creationists would be using it in every argument, and scientists themselves would adjust happily their theories. Evidence is not ignored in real science, it is absorbed, and used to give a clearer and more accurate picture of reality.

Nothing proves evolution so far, creationist do use it in every argument and most scientist do not accept those theories. Evidence is ignored in real science. I do believe there is a middle ground.


Well-Known Member
Nothing proves evolution so far, creationist do use it in every argument and most scientist do not accept those theories. Evidence is ignored in real science. I do believe there is a middle ground.
Okay. Do me a favour, and read these wiki pages:

I doubt you will read them, but if you did you'd find plenty of evidence listed there to back up evolution. It's as much a theory as gravity is.

Unfortunately, there can be no middle ground between fact and fiction. Things are either true, or not.


Active Member
Okay. Do me a favour, and read these wiki pages:

I doubt you will read them, but if you did you'd find plenty of evidence listed there to back up evolution. It's as much a theory as gravity is.

Unfortunately, there can be no middle ground between fact and fiction. Things are either true, or not.
i cant say i understand all that but i do know there are non christian scientist that do not believe there is evidence for evolution. there is no 100% proven evidence for evolution if there was all scientist would agree with it, on the other hand there is no 100% proof against it.


Well-Known Member
i cant say i understand all that but i do know there are non christian scientist that do not believe there is evidence for evolution. there is no 100% proven evidence for evolution if there was all scientist would agree with it, on the other hand there is no 100% proof against it.
Wow, you read all those pages in the last couple of minutes. Of course you won't understand it if you don't read it. :wall:

Any "scientist" who doesn't accept that there is evidence for evolution either isn't really a scientist, has an extreme bias, or works in a field where none of the evolutionary evidence gets presented to them, making them no more informed that the average moron on the street.

The scientists who don't accept the evidence are VERY few and far between.


Active Member
Wow, you read all those pages in the last couple of minutes. Of course you won't understand it if you don't read it. :wall:

Any "scientist" who doesn't accept that there is evidence for evolution either isn't really a scientist, has an extreme bias, or works in a field where none of the evolutionary evidence gets presented to them, making them no more informed that the average moron on the street.

The scientists who don't accept the evidence are VERY few and far between.

a scientist that doesnt accept creation isnt a real scientist, has extreme bias.
http://nobelists.net/ u read mine?


Well-Known Member
See, fish you're kinda making christians look bad. The last pope even had the humility to accept that evolution was a valid explanation for how we came to be. Religion isn't really about worshipping supposed higher powers anymore, people are not that afraid anymore. It's more about the lessons each faith can teach us, in making us better people, respecting others and that sort of thing. The days of fire and brimstone are behind us, it's only extremist nuts in America and the Middle East that use faith to line their own pockets. Clearly business is still booming..


Well-Known Member
a scientist that doesnt accept creation isnt a real scientist, has extreme bias.
http://nobelists.net/ u read mine?
Scientists work off evidence. There is no evidence for creationism.

It is possible to be a real scientist, and be religious, but to claim to be a scientist whilst ignoring evidence makes you biased, or a fraud.

For your first link, there is a HUGE difference between scientists believing in a higher power, and scientists blindly accepting that the christian bible is the inerrant word of god. How many scientists on that list held the latter view? Not many, i'd bet.

Your second link is huge in scope, and i'm too tired to pick it all apart tonight, but i'll look it over and post my views at some point. I suspect it will be more of the same, but i'll try to be open-minded about it. Some of the sources seem old, so I suspect if there was any weight to their claims it would be widely known, but we'll see....


Active Member
See, fish you're kinda making christians look bad. The last pope even had the humility to accept that evolution was a valid explanation for how we came to be. Religion isn't really about worshipping supposed higher powers anymore, people are not that afraid anymore. It's more about the lessons each faith can teach us, in making us better people, respecting others and that sort of thing. The days of fire and brimstone are behind us, it's only extremist nuts in America and the Middle East that use faith to line their own pockets. Clearly business is still booming..
the pope doesnt speak for god


Well-Known Member
Lol, he's the head of the church. That means anything he says in the christian world actually counts for something. He was a great man, and represented 'God' admirably. You're so stuck on being right you can't see what's wrong with what you're doing. That's the single greatest problem in the secular debate.
In 50 years, the houses of worship will be empty. So either way it's incidental. Maybe then we can start moving forward, as that is what the human condition is about.


Active Member
Lol, he's the head of the church. That means anything he says in the christian world actually counts for something. He was a great man, and represented 'God' admirably. You're so stuck on being right you can't see what's wrong with what you're doing. That's the single greatest problem in the secular debate.
In 50 years, the houses of worship will be empty. So either way it's incidental. Maybe then we can start moving forward, as that is what the human condition is about.
lol pope is head of a chruch BUT If a Roman Catholic believes in the official Roman Catholic teaching on salvation, then he is not a Christian since the official RCC position is contrary to scripture.


Active Member
Lol, he's the head of the church.
Christ is the head of the church.

That means anything he says in the christian world actually counts for something.
Not really. Most Christians, who are Protestants, don't care what the Pope says.

He was a great man, and represented 'God' admirably.
Not the 'God' of the Bible, IMHO.

You're so stuck on being right you can't see what's wrong with what you're doing.
This applies to at least 50% of the people on this board.
That's the single greatest problem in the secular debate.
In 50 years, the houses of worship will be empty.
In your dreams, even though you may not be the only one to imagine it.

So either way it's incidental. Maybe then we can start moving forward, as that is what the human condition is about.
The current human condition is about being enslaved by the authorites and powers in the spirit realms, and what lies in the human heart. These powers and authorities have been in power for thousands of years. They have kept Temples and such filled for that amount of time. They aren't going to stop anytime soon.
That is how I see it.


Well-Known Member
God will not save us, knowledge of self will. Once all all are able to acknowledge one, we can move on to the next level. These scriptures and other such things only serve to create boundaries, which leads to conflict. If people have been killing each other for thousands of years based on sharing different beliefs, then the belief systems need to go. You might be happy with people dying for such causes, I on the other hand am not. Once again, religion is reserved for extremist nuts in America and the middle east that are still able to line their pockets from other people's sufferings.
For the record, the church of England/protestant faith was only created to serve a decedent man's wish to divorce at will. The last pope did a lot, considering the previous ones hid behind the vatican during and after the holocaust. Also, Jesus was jewish, not christian. The Romans founded christianity, making them the heads of the church.


Active Member
God will not save us, knowledge of self will. Once all all are able to acknowledge one, we can move on to the next level. These scriptures and other such things only serve to create boundaries, which leads to conflict. If people have been killing each other for thousands of years based on sharing different beliefs, then the belief systems need to go. You might be happy with people dying for such causes, I on the other hand am not. Once again, religion is reserved for extremist nuts in America and the middle east that are still able to line their pockets from other people's sufferings.
For the record, the church of England/protestant faith was only created to serve a decedent man's wish to divorce at will. The last pope did a lot, considering the previous ones hid behind the vatican during and after the holocaust. Also, Jesus was jewish, not christian. The Romans founded christianity, making them the heads of the church.
alot wrong with that statement i am not even gona attempt to fix it
lmfao, though I'm not so sure a creationist... or your average American for that matter... would know that.. :wall:
ahaha im American and that is common knowledge lol .. i like this thread

but the bible isnt suppose to be tookin literal and many do not know it but the original story was adam and lilith or sum name like that

they were made separate and i guess she talked too much and had her own opinions .. adam didnt like it .. complained to god and he got rid of her then from adam's rib created eve as his second wife

**crazy** learned that in philosophy class one year