space is the problem


Active Member
so i'm growing 6 plants from bagseed. my closet is about 2 feet deep and 4 feet wide i think. it's small. I don't think i'm going to be able to fit 6, 5 gallon pales in there for when the plants get bigger. lets say i'm letting them grow about 2-3 ft tall from the top of the pot. what the smallest i could go for potsize?


New Member
so i'm growing 6 plants from bagseed. my closet is about 2 feet deep and 4 feet wide i think. it's small. I don't think i'm going to be able to fit 6, 5 gallon pales in there for when the plants get bigger. lets say i'm letting them grow about 2-3 ft tall from the top of the pot. what the smallest i could go for potsize?
they say 1 gal for every month.....i.e.3 month -3 gal pot


Active Member
ha idk if i plan on growing a tree or a good size bush. the way these suckers are growing i feel like they will be tall and skinny, prob due to some stretching but i believe i've fixed that problem.