Carboload!!I use hammerhead and overdrive alongside the bigbud liquid
Your Big bud is good enuff for increasing bud size.Those other products will not add the stickness or crystal formation like the carboload.Big bud and Carboload is a great saying im growing purple haze so what do u think is good
Carboload is for the stickness!You will see a noticable difference in like 3-4 days.Dont think overdrive has anything to do with the stickness.I'm sure carboload adds bud weight and size, but I know that overdrive is for the stickyness.
i was going to get bud candy but i didnt only for the fact that it sayz that it was going to taste like cotton candy and i dont want that i want the original taste of my plant does it really taste like bud candyUse Bud Candy. Bud Candy is the new nute from AN. Its all the stuff CarboLoad has plus all the stuff Sweetleaf had. Sticky and sweet goodness. Try it. Its like $30
i used Advanced Nutrients, Dr. Honrnby's grow/bloom Organic-B, piranha, and tarantula. there all ORGANIC advanced nutrients......brewed right here in BC, with stuff off of the coast of the gulf islandsall that chemical shit is overpriced........I use organic BMO .....And get just as good if not better than yer chemical crap!!!!
keep it organic
idk im confused all it got now is ff big bloom and A.N big bud powder shud i use both????
i was going to get bud candy but i didnt only for the fact that it sayz that it was going to taste like cotton candy and i dont want that i want the original taste of my plant does it really taste like bud candy