I agree without the bailouts this country would have been devastated. I was ready to deal with that. That is how we as a nation learn and grow and become better... we suffer the consequences of frivolous spending and borrowing more than we can pay.. and lending to people who we know can't pay us back. It seems the government has lost it's purpose and has decided that it is their purpose to make certain no one has to suffer the consequences of their choices.
Most of the working generation would have been fine if it was another great depression, and our children may have been better off as a result of letting the system collapse at least for a few decades until the next one hit.
We would have had time to adjust and adapt to the new situation. But the almost retired to elderly would have been the ones taking the biggest hits. Their lives would have been devastated because they need the money that they have saved throughout the years. It was mostly their money that would have been lost.
And that would mean that us and our children would still have payed for it their devastation. And the wealthy would have still made out like bandits because as everyone sold off their stocks for pennies on the dollar, they would have the money to buy them up and sit on them until the market came back.
The only way to put this on the people that caused it is to tax the top. They are the ones that decided to make the mortgage tools that caused this. They are the ones that lobbied to have the regulations taken off them, they are the ones that have their money overseas to avoid taxes that we have to pay.
I agree that we need to have the burden of this put on the people responsible. The people that have gotten themselves in too deep are suffering, but the people that gave them the rope to hang themselves are not.
But the way to get back at them that is allowing the banks to fail, doesn't really affect them. The banks are corporations so that means the people that run them don't lose anything really. It is the people that have their money in them that lose out, and that is us.
Not all of Bush's fiscal problems were self inflicted...... remember when he was President (and we weren't being buried in debt forever and ever) and almost every day you could hear the news and lib's screaming about the cost of the war ...per day no less. All true...war is expensive and made a good chunk of the deficits .... the rest was created by Congress....a Democrat controlled Congress.
I agree both sides are out of control with spending money. But war is not worth the money, spending it on the countries infrastructure so that we can make money off of it in the future is in my opinion. And the Dems did not control until 2006, so they only can be blamed in part for 2 years of the mess directly. Not to say they wouldn't have made the same mistakes, but it should be said that it is everyones fault up there.