Active Member
so i was liek WAT?
Why is it that cj and jo can and do insult everyone but ffd never says even one word to get them to tone it down much less the insults and threats he heaps on any who stands up to them. Truth is if anyone dare speak up to them ffd comes and give they who dare speak truth to cj or jo no end of insults and threats? Is cj jo and ffd the same person? I read here where members where complaning about these two and ffd said to report them but when members do he comes to the the very thread and attacks not cj or jo he attacks the one doing what ffd himself told us to do to report them? How can ANYONE think for even one sec this is anything but a plain manipulation of the rules to help two members? Is cj and jo and ffd one and the same? Is this site as posted here many times realy run by the feds? Does anyone know? I would really like to know? That would explan everything?
Man you guys are losers.......50 year olds who act like children![]()
I wouldn't feel comfortable about naming who Shanti really is an alias for, however his sudden appearance on RIU, coupled with the fact he came straight to the politics section to make his first posts. Just seems strange that someone coming to a site like this wouldn't have a few posts in the growing sections before discovering the politics section. Wouldn't bet money on it, but it sure smells a little suspicious. Unless it's against RIU rules, I guess it doesn't matter. It just seems like he's only here to stir up tempers for the sole purpose of receiving reportable replies without ever actually contributing to the topic. If I'm wrong I apologize in advance.
And I was a Fed until I smoked all the evidence. They call me rubberneck.
now you are doing exactly what you accuse us of.Well this post was respectful AND funny.
Not what Iam use to reading from you.
I post in NO nic but this. Ive been reading the hate from these guys and how people are attacked by them and ffd and I reged to say something about it. See I dont like name calling bullys to go unapposed. I found this thread by pressing the todays posts button? I have nothing to ask here about growing and if I needed help I would ask here last as I read every day people asking for help getting heavyly flamed for being a idiot or a noob or what ever. The only time Ive read anyone getting told to stop with the flaming is when people stood up to cj or jo or there right wing friends. So I said some thing. Ya you would think I was attacking our gov or something like that. ( opps that is cjs and jos job) Seeing how much name calling comes from the keyboard of these three I find it amazing just how THIN SKINED these three are?! It just kind of makes one want to![]()
Youve made it very clear you know nothing as I have one account and your very rude and full of your self so you cant see anything else. Your insults will be allowed here as you have never ever been told to stop and there is truly a reason for this. I know you have no control over your hatred of anyone who doesnt agree with you but to have ffd allways let you getaway with this is more then wrong. I kind of feel sory for you but I feel much more sorry for all the good members having to put up with your neverendingly making fights here with all those who appose you banned?! It must be tough on you guys allways being full of hate it must eat at your guts so I can see how you would be allways on edge ready to go over at any time and you go over the line of reason here every day? I cant help but wonder where all this unfareness and hate will lead this site? Surly not to a good place?! And I type this with one motivation and that is to help this site and its members in the only way I can. To shine a light on the unjust treatment of members of this site at the hands of cj jo and ffd.You are not wrong MUY, so no need to apologize. Aliasing is an act of desperation. It shows an inability to respond to the real issues. There's more than one stalking the pol threads......funny and sad at the same time...![]()
now you are doing exactly what you accuse us of.![]()
Well this post was respectful AND funny.
Not what Iam use to reading from you.
I post in NO nic but this. Ive been reading the hate from these guys and how people are attacked by them and ffd and I reged to say something about it. See I dont like name calling bullys to go unapposed. I found this thread by pressing the todays posts button? I have nothing to ask here about growing and if I needed help I would ask here last as I read every day people asking for help getting heavyly flamed for being a idiot or a noob or what ever. The only time Ive read anyone getting told to stop with the flaming is when people stood up to cj or jo or there right wing friends. So I said some thing. Ya you would think I was attacking our gov or something like that. ( opps that is cjs and jos job) Seeing how much name calling comes from the keyboard of these three I find it amazing just how THIN SKINED these three are?! It just kind of makes one want to![]()
Youve made it very clear you know nothing as I have one account and your very rude and full of your self so you cant see anything else. Your insults will be allowed here as you have never ever been told to stop and there is truly a reason for this. I know you have no control over your hatred of anyone who doesnt agree with you but to have ffd allways let you getaway with this is more then wrong. I kind of feel sory for you but I feel much more sorry for all the good members having to put up with your neverendingly making fights here with all those who appose you banned?! It must be tough on you guys allways being full of hate it must eat at your guts so I can see how you would be allways on edge ready to go over at any time and you go over the line of reason here every day? I cant help but wonder where all this unfareness and hate will lead this site? Surly not to a good place?! And I type this with one motivation and that is to help this site and its members in the only way I can. To shine a light on the unjust treatment of members of this site at the hands of cj jo and ffd.
Hey Little Wizard.That is untrue and you know it. Your trying to twist the truth is just what I have learned to expect from you having read you do it just about every time anyone spoke out about you cj and jo. But even through you think it works it realy doesnt as we all see through it. Why do you think each and every day you have to deal with yet another pissing mach? Its because you let them insult all of us and then you join in with the insults but you NEVER EVER HELP EVEN ONCE? Your a mod your job is to help why wont you do it? Why have you never banned one of the bad allways you bann the good for standing up to the bad? It is tuly![]()
hey dumbass, CJ got an infraction by me last week.Youve made it very clear you know nothing as I have one account and your very rude and full of your self so you cant see anything else. Your insults will be allowed here as you have never ever been told to stop and there is truly a reason for this. I know you have no control over your hatred of anyone who doesnt agree with you but to have ffd allways let you getaway with this is more then wrong. I kind of feel sory for you but I feel much more sorry for all the good members having to put up with your neverendingly making fights here with all those who appose you banned?! It must be tough on you guys allways being full of hate it must eat at your guts so I can see how you would be allways on edge ready to go over at any time and you go over the line of reason here every day? I cant help but wonder where all this unfareness and hate will lead this site? Surly not to a good place?! And I type this with one motivation and that is to help this site and its members in the only way I can. To shine a light on the unjust treatment of members of this site at the hands of cj jo and ffd.
you are attacking and insulting and getting away with it. why?That is untrue and you know it. Your trying to twist the truth is just what I have learned to expect from you having read you do it just about every time anyone spoke out about you cj and jo. But even through you think it works it realy doesnt as we all see through it. Why do you think each and every day you have to deal with yet another pissing mach? Its because you let them insult all of us and then you join in with the insults but you NEVER EVER HELP EVEN ONCE? Your a mod your job is to help why wont you do it? Why have you never banned one of the bad allways you bann the good for standing up to the bad? It is tuly![]()
hey dumbass, CJ got an infraction by me last week.
how come YOU are getting away with it?
there are only 2 people here who have ever come to me with a problem with CJ, you are 1 of them.
you are attacking and insulting and getting away with it. why?
i haven't banned anyone.
Well I thank you for making my point for me nuff said! Oh could you please give your self a infaction for you going way over the line with your name calling. OK? Thanks!!![]()
i am NOT banning anyone.Ok I see your going to twist any thing I say and let jo get away with his calling me names? All so you can bann me? I dont feel like being goaded in getting banned tonight so Ill just let you guy call me all the names ya want its cool. Later
Oh and to the coward who -reped me as cj would put it how about you grow a pair and fess up instead of hiding like the little coward you are? You cant say I insulted anyone as I have no idea how gave me the -reps as there too scared to say they did it. lol Dam these guys on the right have thin skins.
i am NOT banning anyone.![]()
i am not twisting anything. you are insulting fellow members. blatantly.