I sprayed superthrive and now my plants are hermies


Active Member
So i am around day 22....im growing some kind of kush. I have been spraying superthrive for 5 days straight of just light misting and today i see its preflowering. There's one ball and a pistil.

Please let me know what to do guys? Should i just grew it with the balls out or it might be too contagious and ruin my other crops?



Well-Known Member
So i am around day 22....im growing some kind of kush. I have been spraying superthrive for 5 days straight of just light misting and today i see its preflowering. There's one ball and a pistil.

Please let me know what to do guys? Should i just grew it with the balls out or it might be too contagious and ruin my other crops?

Take it easy with the spray.

They don't look like hermies to me


Well-Known Member
yes its a ball sack id say , i say its a hermie . as for super thrive causing it i dunno . i wouldt think so . if you got clones off someone else chances are they are stressed . atleast in my situations in the past they were , hope this helps :)

Brick Top

New Member
I am curious why you were spraying SuperThrive so often and what proportions of SuperThrive to how much water you used?
I have never sprayed my plants with SuperThrive so I have no idea if that can or cannot cause any sorts of problems but if so I would tend to believe it was from overuse … though I cannot imagine it could cause them to hermi. If you overuse it when watering it can inhibit root growth and your plant’s leaves will roll up and look like joints or cigarettes. I had than happen when I first started to use SuperThrive and did not read the instructions fully and used the ¼ teaspoon per gallon watering mixture for every watering instead of the one to a few drops per gallon for every watering.
Also I find it difficult to believe that even if how you mixed and used SuperThrive that it could cause such a dramatic change, as in the needed amount of growth to produce a male flower on a female in only five days.
I have to believe there is some other cause, if it is indeed a hermi as it does appear to be to me, and what you have done is look for a cause and effect and connected the wrong dots.


Active Member
That makes sense, so what should i do? Make hash out of the hermie? take cuttings? or try to remove all the balls and finish the plant?


Active Member
Hi Friend! Forgive me for being an overbearing self proclaimed know-it-all but I gotta say...Hey, Super thrive has growth hormones in it. Same as VF-11. Usually coupled with a straight hit of nitrogen of some sort. It's promising fast green Growth...NOT flowery females, based on the ingredients.
Hi concentrations of nitrogen is NOT what you see in any Flowering nutrient formula. Basic root & bloom fertilizers have a low nitrogen number and NO growth hormones.
So it confuses plants to get the signal to GROW green leaves & taller faster and at the same time get the lumens & maybe other nutes that tells them it's flower time. See what I'm saying? Hermaphrodites are definitely a possibility when you tell plants to go two different directions.
Hype & urban myth is all Super Thrive & VF-11 are. I used to sell it to folks at the garden center I used to work at, it was for people who wanted results in a bottle rather than really learn what it takes to propagate a living thing. Try just plain old Nutrients for the stage they're in and let them do what they already know how to do eh? Keep it simple and leave the 'miracles' for the 'non-growers'. Happy Gardening! Best Wishes, GrowIT!:weed:



Active Member
How about isolating it from any true females and letting it pollinate itself? Use the seeds for future crops. The Hermaphrodite development isn't an expression of it's true genetics but rather an environmental effect of your 'gardening' choices...It'll still crank out good females.....just lay off the miracle juices eh? HA! Teasing! Best wishes GrowIT!:weed:
If it is a herme keep it just clip the male sacks not the pistols that way it will still make bud, mid-grade but its still smokeable if you dont clip the sacks then it will just make seeds and not thc also dont let it pollinate itself because the seeds will all be hermaphodites