
Uncle Fester

Active Member
So upon inspection on my garden this morning I noticed some passing guests. Too my knowledge frogs are not harmful to the plant so I'm going to let him stay for awhile.



Active Member
hell yeah! they aint gonna fuck with ur plants but make a meal outta the insects that would! congrats on ur new pest control system!


Well-Known Member
hell yeah! they aint gonna fuck with ur plants but make a meal outta the insects that would! congrats on ur new pest control system!
hahaha thats funny, because i have a shit load of small ground digging toads that live near all mine, they are either black like the dirt or green like the plant, but they dig holes in the ground near all my plants and eat all the bugs, its great!! :weed:

Uncle Fester

Active Member
I'm glad to here there good for pest control. I've heard of praying mantis being used, but with mixed results. From what it appears frogs have been beneficial for you guys so I guess he's got a new permanent home.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I put out about 2000 praying mantis and they all disapeared halfway through the season. There was plenty to eat too. Next year I'm trying ladie bugs instead.


I put out about 2000 praying mantis and they all disapeared halfway through the season. There was plenty to eat too. Next year I'm trying ladie bugs instead.
Don't bother with the lady bugs!!!!! I just put out 10,000 Ladys within a week...and i can barley find any....they're either dead or gone...and i have TONS of outdoor mites they could be eating, and plenty of going to hopefully have a green house next year, and conrtol where those lades are going!!

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Don't bother with the lady bugs!!!!! I just put out 10,000 Ladys within a week...and i can barley find any....they're either dead or gone...and i have TONS of outdoor mites they could be eating, and plenty of going to hopefully have a green house next year, and conrtol where those lades are going!!

Good to know. I don't nesesarliy NEED them but wouldn't mind them sticking around ya know.

Uncle Fester

Active Member
I wonder if its possible to cultivate plants with frogs indoors. Maybe bufo species? Im sure it would be possible if you were able to create a grow-room with subtropical-type conditions and provide food for the frogs. Although this is a very stupid idea, im just high as hell throwing it out there.