Should we or shoudnt we


We have one cola that looks like its going to mature before the rest of the plant. Is it ok to just cut the one cola off. Will it inhibit the rest of the plant in some way? It is of the blueberry kush strain grown in a green house and its about 11 ft high. The cola is about a ft long and her hairs are beginning to turn amber. She smells incredible...


sounds promising i would think cutting off a large portion or the plant might affect her especially in flowering,but im new at this so dont go by my word wait for a veteran to tell u

Brick Top

New Member
You can do it, I have done it as have many others. It can put your plant under some degree of stress so it would not be an injudicious thing to do to use a product such as SuperThrive because products like that greatly help plants to deal with and overcome stress …. but that is of course up to you. It is not like it is absolutely necessary but it will help.


Thanks for the response. Its our first grow to fruition. Its a medical grow. We also have Northern Lights and Pineapple Trainwreck. All of the plants are freaking enormous. The missus outdid herself this year


Sorry that would have been me, I just clicked a button that i saw gave you reps. I didnt know I had to put my name in there


Well Bricktop, The problem with that is that my wife has used nothing but organic nutes and they seem to be working very well. Since this will be used as medicine we want to keep it clean as possible. All the plants are about reaching the top of the greenhouse and all the colas are quite large. About the size of my forearm. Is that like a B-1 product?


but its not purple yet... just sort of amber... some of it is starting to turn a light lavender near the the base of each sugar leaf. The Mrs said it came from purple buds and the grower said it was Blueberry Kush. She found 4 seeds and was ecstatic. All 4 came up. We had to tie some of the colas down because there were hitting the fiberglass roof of the greenhouse... So you think we should chop it luda?


New Member
amber trichomes is a sign of the thc content breaking down.
i always harvest when the trichomes are clear/slightly milky for the best stone.

Brick Top

New Member
Well Bricktop, The problem with that is that my wife has used nothing but organic nutes and they seem to be working very well. Since this will be used as medicine we want to keep it clean as possible. All the plants are about reaching the top of the greenhouse and all the colas are quite large. About the size of my forearm. Is that like a B-1 product?

I can fully understand that but if you research you can find other products that work in a similar way and not all are chemical or like SuperThrive mostly organic and part chemical. Also in the case of SuperThrive you can use the heavy use instructions or follow the one single drop per watering instructions and if you are nearing harvest, like it appears, a couple drops over a few waterings of a mostly organic/part chemical nutrient supplement will not make any appreciable difference.
But as I said it is not as if it is needed. It is only beneficial.


We read the thread you suggested luda. We have a magnifying glass but no Microscope. Our camera takes great pictures and you can see the trichs easily in the pictures